Thanjavur District Court Recruitment 2023

  1. Office Assistants/Clerks 02
  2. Receptionist cum Data Entry Operator (Typist) 01
  3. Office Peon (Munshi/Attendant) 01

Eligibility & Qualification:
The candidates must be a citizen of India and Local resident of Thanjavur District, the age
shall be 21 years and above on the date of Notification.

Office Assistant/ Clerks:
 Graduation of Any degree
 Basic word processing skills and the ability to operate computer
 Typing speed of 40 WPM.
 Ability to take dictation and entering data.
 File maintenance and processing knowledge

. Receptionist-cum- Data Entry Operator
 Graduation in Any degree
 Excellent verbal and written communication skills,
 Word processing abilities,
 The ability to work telecommunication system (Telephones, Fax, Machines, switch
boards etc.,)
 Proficiency with good typing speed.

Office Peon :
 Must have pass in 8th standard.
 Ability in cleaning and to do hospitality related works.

Procedure for selection:

  1. The supporting staff for Legal Aid Defense Counsel System shall be engaged on
    contract basis in the District, initially for a period of two years with a stipulation of
    extension on yearly basis on satisfactory performance.
  2. The selection of Receptionist-cum-Data Entry Operator, Office Assistant/Clerk, and
    Office peon will be based on merit, taking into account the educational qualification,
    Computer knowledge, skills and experience of candidates.
  3. The selection shall be carried out by selection committee under the Chairmanship of
    the Principal District Judge (Chairman, DLSA) as envisaged in NALSA (free and
    competent Legal Services) Regulations 2010, subject to final approval by the Hon’ble
    Executive Chairman, TNSLSA.

Work profiles:
a) Clerk / Office Assistant

  1. Keeping updated record of legal aided cases.
  2. Uploading the updated record/progress of the legal aid cases on NALSA portal.
  3. Maintaining complete files of legal aided cases and keeping files with proper
    index in a systematic manner.
  4. Typing bail applications, petitions, etc.
  5. Doing ministerial work related to cases such as filling applications for copies of
    orders, judgement etc,
  6. Any work/duty assigned by Legal Services Authority.

Receptionist –cum- Data Entry Operator

  1. Greeting clients and visitors and answering visitor inquiries.
  2. Answering and routing incoming calls on a multi-line telephone system.
  3. Scheduling and routing legal aid seekers.
  4. Maintaining the waiting area, lobby or other office areas.
  1. Scanning, Photocopying, faxing.
  2. Collecting and routing mail and hand-delivered packages.
  3. Answering face-to-face enquiries and providing information when required.
  4. Uploading, at the initial point, Legal aided cases on NALSA portal and updating
    the information from time to time.
  5. Any work/duty assigned by Legal Services Authority

Office Peon (Munshi/Attendant)
1.General work of MTS, Munshi or Peon.

  1. Cleaning the office before the commencement of office hours.
  2. Ensuring that all places in the office are kept clean.
  3. Brining and serving water, beverages to the visitors in the Office.
  4. Carrying dak etc Misc. work etc.
  5. Any other work assigned by Legal Services Authority

Termination of services:
Services of any resource engaged in the office of Legal Aid Defence Counsel can be
terminated at any time, without any prior notice in the following cases by the Chairman,
DLSA on recommendation of the Secretary, DLSA or on the directions by SLSA in writing.

  1. He/she substantially breaches any duty or service required in the office.
  2. Seeks or accepts any pecuniary gains from the legal aid seekers or beneficiary his
    friend or relative.
  3. Charged or Convicted for any offence by any court of law.
  4. Indulges in any type of political activities.
  5. Found incapable of rendering professional services of the required standards.
  6. Failure to attend training programmes without any sufficient cause.
  7. Indulges in activities prejudicial to the working of Legal Aid Defence Counsel
  8. Using his/her position in Legal Aid Defence Counsel Office to secure
    unwarranted privileges or advantages for him/herself or others.
  9. Acts in breach of code of ethics.
  10. Remains absent without leave for more than two weeks.
  11. If services are found unsatisfactory during the six-monthly performance review by
    the SLSA or DLSA.

Estimated Salaries :
1 Office Assistants/Clerks Rs. 20,000/-
2 Receptionist cum Data Entry Operator (Typist) Rs. 20,000/-
3 Office Peon (Munshi/Attendant) Rs. 14,000/-
How to apply:
The standard form of application annexed with this notification shall be used to apply
for the post along with two number of passport photographs and the applicants shall enclose
self-attested photocopies of educational qualification along with experience certificate.
Submission of application:
The duly filled application in the prescribed format along with self-attested copy of
certificates and all other supportive documents should be submitted in person (or) by post on
or before 18.08.2023 @ 5:00 p.m. to the following address:

District Legal Services Authority,
ADR Building, Combined District Court Campus,
Thanjavur-613 007
Super scribe the envelope as ‘Application for the post of ……………………….’ in Legal Aid
Defense Counsel System (LADCS) in DLSA, Thanjavur

Notification click here

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