Applications are invited from eligible persons for full time work on contract basis for
the period of Two Years in “ LEGAL AID DEFENSE COUNSEL SYSTEM“ dealing
exclusively Legal Aid matter in Criminal Cases, proposed to be function in District Legal
Services Authority, SIVAGANGAI. Details of the name of the Post and number of
requirement are given below;
Clerk/ Office Assistant -02
Receptionist –cum-Data Entry Operator(Typist) -01
Office Peon(Munshi/Attendant) -01
Selection Procedure:
Legal Aid Defense Counsels shall be engaged on contract basis in each place/
district initially for a period of two years with a stipulation of extension on yearly basis on
satisfactory performance. Selection of Office Assistants/Clerks, Receptionist cum Data Entry
Operator (Typist), Office Peon will be based on merit, taking into account the knowledge,
Skills, Practice and Experience of candidates. The selection shall be carried out by selection
committee under the Chairmanship of the Principal District & Sessions Judge (Chairman,
DLSA) as envisaged in NALSA (Free and Competent Legal Services) Regulations 2010
subject to final approval by Executive Chairman, SLSA.
The persons applying for the posts in Legal Aid Defense Counsel System (LADCS),
He / She;
Must be a citizen of India and Local resident of SIVAGANGAI District
Should not be less than 21 years as on the date of Notification
and others eligibility and education qualifications as follows;
Office Assistant/ Clerks:
He / She must have ;
Graduation of Any degree
Basic word processing skills and the ability to operate computer
Typing speed of 40 WPM,
Ability to take dictation and entering data.
File maintenance and processing knowledge.
Receptionist-cum- Data Entry Operator
He / She must have ;
Graduation in Any degree
Excellent verbal and written communication skills,
Word processing abilities,
The ability to work telecommunication system (Telephones, Fax, Machines,
switchboards etc.,)
Proficiency with good typing speed.
Office Peon ( Munchi / Attendant )
He /She must have
Pass 8thStandard
Ability in cleaning and to do hospitality related works
- The supporting staff for Legal Aid Defense Counsel System shall be engaged on
contract basis in district initially for a period of two years with a stipulation of
extension on yearly basis on satisfactory performance. - The selection of Receptionist Cum Data Entry Operator, Office Assistant, and Office
peon will be based on merit, taking into account the educational Qualification,
Computer knowledge, skills and experience of candidates. - The selection shall be carried out by selection committee under the Chairmanship of
the Principal District & Sessions Judge (Chairman, DLSA) as envisaged in NALSA
(free and competent Legal Services) Regulations 2010, subject to final approval by
the Executive Chairman, TNSLSA.
Estimated Salaries :
1. Monthly salary of Clerk / Office Assistants Rs. 15,000/-
2. Monthly salary of Receptionist – cum- Date Entry Operator Rs. 15,000/-
3. Monthly salary of Office peon Rs. 12,000/-
The standard form of application annexed with this notification shall be used for
apply the post along with two number of passport photographs and the applicants shall
enclose self-attested photocopies of educational qualification along with experience
The duly filled application in the prescribed format along with self-attested copy of
certificates and all other supportive documents should be submitted in person (or) by post on
or before 16.06.2023, 5:00 p.m. to the following address:
District Legal Services Authority,
ADR Building,
Super scribe the envelope as ‘’Application for the post of …….
in Legal Aid Defense Counsel System (LADCS ) in DLSA , SIVAGANGAI