Applications are invited to engage 01 (One) Junior Project Assistant, purely on contractual basis under the Institute in-house project entitled “Investigation of carbon sequestration, energy budgeting, biodiversity and production potentials of three different banana productions systems” at ICAR –NRC for Banana, Tiruchirappalli – 620 I 02. Eligible candidates are requested to submit their applications in the enclosed proforma with self attested copies of educational qualification / experience certificates etc though email to [email protected] on or before 22.05.2024 (Wednesday).
After screening of applications, the shortlisted candidates will be informed the date & mode of interview through email.
First class in Bachelor in Agriculture Or any plant science degree
Salary Rs.15000/-
Age limit: Minimum age 21 years and Maximum age 45 years for Junior Project Assistant. Age relaxation shall be applicable for the post as per rules.
The above position is purely on temporary basis and co-terminus with the project. There is no provision for re-employment after termination of project. The selected candidate will not have any right for claiming pay scale or absorption against any regular post being vacant on a later date at this institute.
Candidates who have passed the required qualifications only be called for the interview.
Candidates attending the Interview should neatly type the application in the format prescribed in MS-WORD-TIMES NEW ROMAN FONT- 12 SIZE and submit the same along with attested copies of educational qualifications, experience and publications etc. through email.
Candidates already working should produce necessary “No Objection Certificate” in case he / she is employed elsewhere.
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