Engagement of retried Govt. Officers/Official as Consultant for filling up of one post of Personal Assistant Central Government Industrial Tribunal-cum-Labour Court, Chennai on contract basis
In terms of office memorandum No. F No.A-12034/11/2018- Admn. I, dated 30 November, 2018 it is proposed to fill up one post of Personal Assistant temporarily on contract bass in the Central Government Industrial Tribunal-cum Labour Court, Chennai initially for a period of one year or till post is filled up by way of regular appointment. whichever is earlier. one the following terms and conditions:
Personal Assistant.: Retired Govt. Offer /officials, having knowledge of Stenography, Typing and Computers etc..
Age Limit: 65 Years
Qualification & Experience: Candidate should be a Retired Employee of Central Govt./State Govt./PSU/Autonomous Body having considerable experience of functioning of Govt. Departments in the requisite field.
Willing candidates may apply for the above post of Personal Assistant as Consultant within 21 days from the date of publication of the advertisement on the website of Ministry of Labour & Employment i.e. https://labour.gov.in/. The application is to be addressed to “The Presiding Officer, Central Government Industrial Tribunal-cum-Labour Court, Kendriya Bhawan, 8th Floor, Hall No.1, Sector-H, Aligangj, lucknow, Uttar Pradesh-226 024.
S.No. | Title | Date | Expiry Date | Download |
1 | Engagement of retired Govt. Officers/official as Consultant for filling up of one post of Personal Assistant in Central Government Industrail Tribunal-cum-Labour Court, Chennai on contract basis-reg | 08/05/2024 | 14/05/2024 | Download |