Office Assistants/Clerks : 02
1. Education Qualification: Graduation, 2. Basic word processing
skills and the ability to operate computer and skills to feed data, 3. Good Typing speed with
proper setting of petition, 4. Ability to take dictation and prepare files for
presentation in the Courts, 5. File maintenance and processing knowledge
Salary Rs.20000/-
Receptionist Cum Data Entry Operator (Typist) : 01
1. Educational Qualification: Graduation, 2. Excellent verbal and
written communication skills, 3. Word and data processing
abilities, 4. The ability to work telecommunication
systems (telephones, fax machines, switchboards, etc.), 5. Proficiency with good
typing speed.
Salary Rs.17000/-
Office Peon -01
SSLC fail/pass
Salary Rs.12,000/-
Work Profiles:
Office Assistants/Clerks
i. Keeping uploaded records of legal aided cases, ii. Uploading the updated record/progress of the legal aidedcasesonNALSA portal and digital platforms as per directions,
iii. Maintaining complete files of legal aided cases and keepingfileswith proper index in a systematic manner, iv. Typing applications, petitions, appeals, etc., v. Doing ministerial work related to cases such as filing applicationsfor copies of orders, judgment etc., vi. Any other task assigned by the Chief Legal Aid DefenseCounsel, vii. Any work/duty assigned by Legal Services Authority, viii. All duties assigned to Receptionist cumdata entry operator.
Receptionist cum Data Entry Operator (Typist):
i. Greeting clients and visitors and answering visitor inquiries, ii. Answering and routing incoming calls on a multi-line telephonesystem, iii. Scheduling and routing legal aid seekers, iv. Maintaining the waiting area, lobby or other office areas, v. Scanning, Photocopying, faxing, vi. Collecting and routing mail and hand-delivered packages, vii. Answering face-to-face enquiries and providing informationwhenrequired, viii. Uploading, at the initial point, legal aided cases on NALSAportal &other platforms and updating the information fromtimetotime, ix. Any work/duty assigned by Legal Services Authority.
Office Peon (Munshi/Attendant)
i. General work of MTS, Munshi or Peon, ii. Cleaning the office before the commencement of office hours, iii. Ensuring that all places in the office are kept clean, iv. Brining and serving water, beverages to the visitors intheoffice, v. Carrying dak, misc. work etc.
vi. Any other work assigned by the Legal Services Authority. Selection Procedure:
Selection of Office Assistants/Clerks, Receptionist cumDataEntryOperator (Typist), Office Peon for Legal Aid Defense Counsel Systemwill bebased on merit, taking into account the knowledge, Skills, PracticeandExperience of candidates. The selection shall be carried out byselectioncommittee under the Chairmanship of the Principal District &SessionsJudge(Chairman, DLSA) as envisaged in NALSA (Free and Competent Legal Services)Regulations 2010 subject to final approval by Executive Chairman, SLSA.
Note: The Application with passport size photograph duly affixedandselfattested in the space provided, as mentioned should be submittedalongwithselfattested copies of all the relevant testimonials, certificates andshouldbedespatched through Registered Post along with 20cmx 10cmself addressed Rs.55/- stamped envelope to The Chairman/Principal District Judge, DistrictLegal Services Authority, ADR Building, District Court Campus, Tirunelveli627002 on or before 16.06.2023 at 05.45 p.m. The applications receivedafterthe last date will not be entertained under any circumstances.