Advertisement for engaging supporting staff on contract basis to work in
the Office of the Legal Aid Defense Counsel System at District Legal Services
Authority, Coimbatore.
As per the direction of the Tamil Nadu Legal Services Authority
No.3910/S3/2022, Dated: 02.06.2023 and the Office Note order submitted
b y the District Legal Services Authority, Coimbatore dated 03.06.2023,
applications are invited for engaging qualified persons on contract basis for the
following categories in the Legal Aid Defense Counsel System, may apply for
the respective categories in the prescribed format, along with copies of all the
testimonials and certificates duly self attested by the applicant.
Name of the Post Office Assistant/Clerks
No of Posts 03
Salary per Month (In Rs) Rs.20,000/- Per Month
Desired Qualification
- Educational Qualification: Graduation.
- Basic word processing skills and the ability to
operate computer and skills to feed data. - Good Typing Speed with proper setting of
petition (i.e Typing Speed of 40WPM). - Ability to take dictation and prepare files for
presentation in the courts. - File Maintenance and Processing knowledge.
Name of the Post Receptionist cum Data Entry Operator (Typist)
No of Posts 01
Salary per Month (In Rs) Rs.20,000/- Per Month
Desired Qualification
- Educational Qualification: Graduation.
- Excellent verbal and written communication
skills. - Word and data processing abilities.
- The ability to work telecommunication systems
(Telephones, Fax Machines, Switch Boards etc). - Proficiency with good typing speed.
Name of the Post Office Peon (Munshi/Attendant)
No of Posts 01
Salary per Month (In Rs) Rs.14,000/- Per Month
Desired Qualification
Passed in VIII Standard or it is equivalent.
Nature of Work by Supporting Staffs of Legal Aid Defense Counsel System:-
a) Office Assistant/Clerks
Keeping updated record of Legal aid cases.
Uploading the updated record/progress of the legal aid cases on NALSA
Portal and digital platforms as per the directions.
Maintaining complete files of Legal Aid Cases and keeping files with
proper index in a systematic manner.
Typing applications, petitions, appeals etc.
Doing ministerial work related to cases such as filing applications for
copies of orders, judgments etc.
Any other task assigned by the Chief Legal Aid Defense Counsel.
Any work/duty assigned by Legal Services Authority.
All duties assigned to Receptionist cum data entry operator.
b) Receptionist – cum- Data Entry Operator (Typist)
Greeting clients and visitors and answering visitor inquires.
Answering and routing incoming calls on a multi-line telephone system.
Scheduling and routing legal aid seekers.
Maintaining the waiting area, lobby or other office areas.
Scanning, Photocopying, Faxing.
Collecting and routing mail and hand-delivered packages.
Answering face to face enquiries and providing information when
Uploading, at the initial point, legal aided cases on NALSA portal &
other platforms and updating the information from time to time.
Any work/duty assigned by Legal Services Authority.
c) Office Peon (Mushi/Attendant)
General work of MTS, Munshi or peon.
Cleaning the office before the commencement of office hours.
Ensuring that all places in the office are kept clean.
Bringing and serving water, beverages to the visitors in the office.
Carrying dak, misc.work etc.
Any other work assigned by Legal Services Authority.
Selection Procedure:
The supporting staff shall be engaged on contract basis, initially for a
period of two years with a stipulation of extension on yearly basis on satisfactory
performance. The performance of every human resource shall be assessed every six
months by SLSA in consultation with DLSA Concerned. The Selection of Office
Assistant /Clerk, Receptionist cum Data Entry Operator (Typist), Office Peon
(Munshi/Attendant) will be purely based on merits, taking into account the knowledge,
skills, practice and experience of candidates. The selection shall be carried out
by selection committee under the Chairmanship of the Principal District &
Sessions Judge (Chairman, DLSA) as envisaged in NALSA (Free and Competent
Legal Services) Regulations 2010, subject to final approval by the Executive
Chairman of the TNSLSA.
Code of Ethics:-
Personnel engaged in the office of Legal Aid Defense Counsel shall
observe the following conditions/code of ethics:
- Personnel within the office of Legal Aid Defense Counsel shall not engage
in any outside activity. - No personnel shall act in any matter in which he/she has a direct or
indirect personal or financial interest. - No personnel shall willfully disclose or use, whether or not for the purpose
of pecuniary gain, any information that he/she obtained , received or
acquired during the fulfillment of his/her official duties and which is not
available to members of the general public. - No personnel within the office of Legal Aid Defense Counsel shall make
use of his/her office or employment for the purpose of promoting
or advertising any outside activity. - No personnel within the office of Legal Aid Defense Counsel shall solicit,
agree to accept or accept, whether directly or indirectly, any gift favour,
service, or other thing of value under circumstances from which it might
be reasonably inferred that such gift, service, other thing of value was
given or offered for the purpose of influencing him/her in, or rewarding
him/her for, the discharge of his/her official duties. - The Supporting staff shall devote his/her full time to his/her duties for
the office of the Legal Aid Defense Counsel. - Every personnel of the office of Legal Aid Defense Counsel shall strive to
preserve the public’s confidence in the office’s fair and impartial execution
of its Duties and responsibilities.
Termination of Services:-
The Services of any Human Resourc e / staff engaged in the office of
Legal Aid Defense Counsel can be terminated at any time, without any prior
notice in the following cases by the Chairman, DLSA on recommendation of the
Secretary DLSA or on the directions by SLSA in writing.
i. He/she substantially breaches any duty or service required in the office, or
ii. Seeks or accepts any pecuniary gains or gratification in cash or kind
from the legal aid seekers or beneficiary or his friend or relative, or
iii. Charged or Convicted for any offence by any court of law, or
iv. Indulges in any type or political activities, or
v. Found incapable of rendering professional services of the required
standards, or
vi. Failure to attend training programs without any sufficient cause, or
vii. Indulges in activities prejudicial to the working of legal aid Defense
counsel office, or
viii. Using his/her position in legal aid defense counsel office to secure
unwarranted privileges or advantages for him/herself or others, or
ix. Acts in breach of code of ethics, or
x. Remains absent without leave for more than Two Weeks, or
xi. If, services are found unsatisfactory during the six-monthly performance
review by the SLSA or DLSA.
The standard form of application annexed with this notification shall be used for
applying the above said post. Self attested education qualification certificates, experience
certificate and two recently taken passport size photos must be annexed with the
The duly filled in application in the prescribed format along with self-attested
Copy of certificates and all other supportive documents should be submitted through
post on or before 16.06.2023 , 5.30 p.m. to the following address;
District Legal Services Authority,
ADR Building,
District Court Campus,
Coimbatore – 641018.
Incomplete application will be rejected without assigning any reasons. No
application will be entertained after the last date fixed. All communications
regarding the selection process will be published only in E-Court Coimbatore
website. A separate communication letter will not be sent to the applicants.
Date of Notification 05.06.2023
Last date for submission of Application 16.06.2023
Eligible Candidates List for interview will be Published in website 19.06.2023
- Only short listed candidates will be published in court website for interview
after scrutinizing the applications. - The Venue, date and time of interview will be intimated in Coimbatore e-court
website. (https://districts.ecourts.gov.in/coimbatore) - Candidates should appear for the interview with their original certificates.
- Candidates should attend the interview at their own expenses.
- The posts are purely contract basis and the duration is only for 2 years which
may be extended based on the performance with periodical breaks as per the
guideline of NALSA Legal Aid Defense Counsel System. The selected
candidates cannot claim for permanency of the job. - The selection criteria will be as per the guidelines of NALSA- Legal Aid
Defense Counsel System under Modified Scheme, 2022. - The applicant will be responsible for the authenticity of information and other
documents by submitted her/him