Professional Assistant / Clerical Assistant -01
Professional Assistant-Salary Rs.771 per day
Clerical Assistant-Salary Rs.486 per day
Peon cum Driver-01
Salary Rs.445 per day
Last Date : 09.06.2023
Instructions to the Applicants:
- Recent photograph is to be affixed & self-attested in the Application.
- All copies of certificates should be enclosed (School / college such as Transfer Certificate,
Mark sheet, Degree certificate, Driving License (for Peon cum Driver), etc. - Copies of Address & Aadhaar card proof are to be enclosed.
- The original certificates are to be produced for verification at the time of Interview.
- The date & time of interview will be informed through Mobile No. /E-mail.
- Application received after the last date of submission is summarily rejected.
- Application with necessary certificates / documents is to be sent to the Director, Centre for
Water Resources, Anna University, Chennai-600 025 in person / by post.
Notification Click here