July 18,2024
1. Candidate must possess a degree in B.V Sc & AH and should have registered in
Tamil Nadu Veterinary Council.
2. The Post is purely temporary and on contractual basis only. Consolidated salary
of Rs.40,000/- will be paid per month.
3. The candidates should give their willingness to work in any place in Tamil Nadu.
4. The candidates selected for recruitment will be given 14 days training.
5. The application should be submitted in an envelope super scribing the name of
the post and should be addressed to,
Member Secretary,
Tamil Nadu Animal Welfare Board,
Directorate of Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Services, Veterinary Polyclinic Campus,
571,Nandanam, Chennai – 35
Concerned Department:Animal Husbandry, Dairying, Fisheries and Fishermen Welfare Department
Organisation Name:Animal Husbandry Directorate
Announcement DetailsTitle:Tamil Nadu Animal Welfare Board – Recruitment of 30 Veterinarians on contractual basis
Description:Tamil Nadu Animal Welfare Board – Recruitment of 30 Veterinarians on contractual basis
Announcement Available:Downloadable