C.No.497/2023/D dt:03.02.2023
Requirement of Project Scientist (PS — 2 Positions) for carrying out the Projects under Annual Plan of Operations – 2022-23 at AIWC, Vandalur on contractual basis
The Advanced Institute for Wildlife Conservation (AIWC), a premier Institute under Tamil Nadu Forest Department, Government of Tamil Nadu, in the field of wildlife research, training and education invites applications from Indian Nationals for the temporary project based position of Project Scientist (PS – 2 Positions) for carrying out the Projects under Annual Plan of Operations – 2022-23 at AIWC, Vandalur on contractual basis through short listing based on records and a personal interview. Details of the position along with essential and desirable qualifications, and monthly consolidated remuneration are given in Annexure-I
The last date of receipt of completed application forms along with supporting documents is 15.02.2023 up to 5.00 PM. The duly filled in application with documents should be sent by hard copy to the below signed authority by post preferably or by email to [email protected]
Age limit for Project Scientist is 40 years as on 01.01.2023 but age relaxation will be Considered as per Government of Tamil Nadu norms for reserved category candidates.
Application should be in the prescribed format, duly signed and should be accompanied by self-attested copies of documents on educational qualifications, research experience, UGC/CSIR/GATE certificate (if applicable), extracurricular activities, date of birth, mark sheets of all examinations, community certificate (if seeking relaxation as per Government of Tamil Nadu rules) etc.
The Institute will not provide accommodation and no TA/DA will be paid to the candidates appearing for the personal interview. The interview will be in either online or physical mode.
At the time of the verification of original documents or even after selection, if it is found that an attempt has been made by the applicant to wilfully conceal, misrepresent the facts or canvass, such application will be rejected, and due action will be taken against the candidate.
The application form can be downloaded from the Tamil Nadu Forest Department website http://forests.tn.nic.in and AIWC website www.aiwc.res.in,
The date and time of the personal interview will be intimated individually by email to the shortlisted candidates.
The candidates who score equivalent marks, the senior person in terms of the Date of Birth shall be given priority.
The Principal Chief Conservator of Forests and Director AIWC, reserves the right to reject any candidature in view of incomplete information provided by the candidate or for any other reason thereof.
The applicant should be cautious against touts and agents who may cheat, by making false promises of securing jobs through unfair means.
The institute shall not be responsible or liable for any loss that may be caused to any applicant on account of indulging in any sort of dealings with such unscrupulous elements.
Ph.D. in Zoology /Parasitology (or) 2. Ph.D. in Biotechnology/Microbiology with M.Sc. in Zoology or Wildlife Biology (or) 3. Ph.D. in Molecular Biology with M.Sc. in Zoology or Wildlife Biology (or) 4. M.V.Sc. in Parasitology or Pathology or Animal Biotechnology or Microbiology or Ph.D. in Entomology (or) Ph.D. Agriculture Entomology (or) Ph.D. in Wildlife biology with specialisation in insects study (or) Ph.D. in Ecology with specialization in entomology or water quality assessment study.
Consolidated pay of Rs. 70,000/- per month
Age Limit
The upper age limit may be relaxed up to 5 years for the candidates belonging to SC/ST/ Women/ BC/MBC and Physically challenged category.
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