Recruitment of Young Professional – I (Marketing) in National Cooperative Development
Corporation (NCDC) on Contract Basis National Cooperative Development Corporation (NCDC), a Statutory Corporation of Govt. of India under the Ministry of Cooperation, was established by an Act of Parliament (NCDC Act of 1962) for economic
development through cooperative societies. The major objective of the Corporation is to promote, strengthen and develop the farmers’ cooperatives for increasing production and productivity and instituting post harvest facilities. National Cooperative Development Corporation invites applications from eligible person(s) for the post of Young Professional –I (Marketing) ) on contract basis for its various Regional Offices as under :-
Young Professional –I (Marketing)-50 Posts
Contract Period – 3 Years
Age limit -32 Years
MBA in Marketing from an institute
of repute.
3 years post-qualification
experience in Marketing in a
bank/financial institution. Candidates having fluency in
Regional State Language will be
considered for appointment in
respective Regional Offices. Young
Professionals will work in the
respective State allotted to them
Terms & Conditions: Number of vacancies advertised may vary as per requirement.
The engagement shall be purely on a contract basis and will not confer any right for regular appointment in NCDC or in its associated organizations. The contractual person shall not be entitled to any benefits / compensation/ absorption /regularization of service in the National Cooperative Development Corporation. The contractual person shall not claim any benefit/compensation/absorption/regularization of service with NCDC under the provision of Industrial Disputes Act 1947 or Contract Labour (Regulation&
Abolition) Act 1970.
[ Professionals will be engaged initially for a period of 3 years which may be extended by 1 year at a time to a maximum tenure of 5 years for providing high quality services on specific projects as per requirement. However, their continuation in their respective position beyond the first and subsequent years would be contingent on a satisfactory Annual Performance Review based on clearly defined Key Performance Indicators.
The consolidated remuneration will be inclusive of applicable taxes and no other facility or allowance will be allowed. Remuneration will be paid on monthly basis. An annual increment subject to satisfactory performance.
Working Hours, Travelling, Daily Allowance, Leave etc.: The contractual person shall be governed as per applicable provisions of NCDC for contractual appointments. In case the performance of the contractual person is not satisfactory, or she/he fails to perform/carry out the functions entrusted or otherwise, or she/he is found in disciplined or wanting, NCDC may terminate the contract at any time by giving one month’s notice or one months’ compensation in lieu thereof without assigning any reasons.
The contractual person shall be required to produce original documents and certificates in support of her/his age, qualification and experience at the time of joining failing which her/his offer of engagement shall stands withdrawn.
The educational qualification, age, experience etc. as stipulated in advertisement shall be determined as on the last date for submission of application.
Mere fulfilling of eligibility criteria would not entitle an applicant to be called for interview/personal discussion. NCDC may make a preliminary short listing on the basis of academic records/experience etc. Only shortlisted candidates will be called for interview/personal discussion.
NCDC reserves the right to cancel or withdraw this advertisement at any time without assigning any reasons whatsoever. Application can be submitted by sending duly filled prescribed proforma (enclosed) along with self-attested copies of all requisite documents and latest photo via email to respective email ID of Regional office by mentioning “Application for the post of Young Professional-I (Marketing)” in the
subject. Last date for submission of application is 21 days from the date of publication of the Advertisement in the respective state.
Any resultant dispute arising out of this advertisement shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the Courts situated at Delhi only
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