Mahanadi Coalfields Limited, a subsidiary of Coal India Limited, A Govt. of India
Undertaking invites ONLINE applications from eligible citizens of India for the following posts. The candidates fulfilling the eligibility criteria may submit their applications through ONLINE MODE ONLY.

Jr.Overman, T&S Gr-C
i. Diploma in Mining Engineering of 03 years duration or Degree in Mining
Engineering or other equivalent qualifications approved in that behalf by the
Central Government from any recognized Institute.
ii. Valid Overman Competency Certificate(Un-Restricted) issued by Directorate
General of Mines Safety (DGMS) under Coal Mines Regulation 2017 for working
in both Open Cast (OC) & Under Ground (UG) Mines or any other certificate
in Mining which entitle to work as Overman as per Coal Mines Regulation 2017
for working in both OC & UG Mines.
iii. Valid First Aid Certificate.
iv. Valid Gas Testing Certificate.
Mining Sirdar, T&S Gr-C
i. Senior Secondary school examination or intermediate examination (10+2) or
equivalent Examination from any recognized Board of Examination.
Diploma in Mining Engineering of 03 years duration or Degree in Mining
Engineering or other equivalent qualifications approved in that behalf by the
Central Government from any recognized Institute.
ii. Valid Mining Sirdarship Certificate of Competency (Un-Restricted) from DGMS
under Coal Mines Regulation 2017 for working in both Open Cast (OC) &
Under Ground (UG) Mines or any other certificate of Competency in Mining
which entitle the applicant to work as Mining Sirdar as per Coal Mines
Regulation 2017 for working in both OC & UG Mines.
iii. Valid First Aid Certificate.
iv. Valid Gas Testing Certificate.
Surveyor, T&S Gr-B
i. Senior Secondary school examination or intermediate examination (10+2) or
equivalent Examination from any recognized Board of Examination.
Diploma in Mining/Mine Surveying Engineering of 03 years duration or Degree
in Mining/Mine Surveying Engineering or other equivalent qualifications
approved in that behalf by the Central Government from any recognized Institute.
ii. Valid Survey Certificate of Competency (Un-Restricted) granted by Directorate
General of Mines Safety (DGMS) as per Coal Mines Regulation 2017 for working
in both Open Cast (OC) & Under Ground (UG) Mines.
AGE LIMIT (as on 23/01/2023):
a) The Cut-Off date for determining Age Limit Criteria will be the last date of receipt of
application i.e. 23/01/2023.
b) Candidate must not be below 18 years of age as on 23/01/2023.
c) The upper age limit is 30 years as on 23/01/2023 for General (UR) & EWS category
d) However, relaxation in the upper age limit of 30 years for claiming Age relaxation is as per following:-
Maximum Age relaxation permissible beyond the upper age limit ( as on crucial date i.e. 23/01/2023)
UR/EWS No relaxation
OBC (Non Creamy Layer) Central List 03 years
SC/ST 05 years
Ex-Servicemen (ESM) Actual period of service rendered in defence services +3 years
Departmental Candidates (all employees of CIL &
its subsidiary companies) No upper age limit
SELECTION PROCESS (Computer Based Test)
a) The Selection methodology will comprise of Computer Based Test (CBT) only. No personal
interview will be held.
b) Eligible Candidates, as declared by them, will be provisionally called for Computer Based Test
(CBT) on the basis of their declaration regarding their eligibility such as age,
educational/technical qualification, Valid Statutory Certificate etc. as laid down in this
notification/advertisement. The scrutiny /verification of the claims made by the candidate
supporting their eligibility for the post applied will be done post declaration of results of
Computer Based Test (CBT) for the candidates who have been called for document verification
c) The CBT will comprise of objective type questions with multiple choice of answers and there
will be no negative marking for wrong answers. The instructions will be Bilingual
d) The CBT will consist of two sections i.e. “A” & “B”. The Section “A” will comprise question
specific to General Awareness/ Aptitude and section “A” will comprise 20 questions of “One”
mark each, similarly Section “B” of the test paper will comprise questions relating to Technical
knowledge and will comprise 80 questions of “One” mark each, with a total of 100 marks.
e) Exact schedule of CBT will be displayed on MCL website ( in due
f) Individual Candidates Result of the CBT will be available in the official website of MCL
APPLICATION FEE OF Rs.1000- plus applicable GST – ₹.180/- (Non- Refundable)
a) Candidates belonging to GENERAL (UR) / OBC (Creamy Layer & Non-Creamy Layer) / EWS category are required to pay a Non-Refundable fee of ₹. 1000/- plus applicable GST – ₹.180/- totalling ₹. 1180/-
(Rupees One Thousand One Hundred Eighty only). Any other tax or bank charges will be borne by the candidate. After filling all the details in the online application form, candidate has to submit the form by means of clicking the submit button and shall be automatically redirected to payment portal.
SC / ST / PwBD /ESM/ Female candidates / Employees of Coal India Limited and its
Subsidiaries are exempted from payment of application fee
Starting Date of online application & Payment gateway. 03/01/2023
Last Date of Submission of online Application 23/01/2023
Notification Click here
Application click here