Applications are invited from the eligible candidates for the following temporary posts
in theRUSA 2.0 project entitled “Development of Cathode Materials in Lithium – Sulfur
Battery for Electric Vehicle Applications” being operated in the Department of
Chemical Engineering, ACTech campus, Anna University, Chennai-25.
Project Associate – 01
M.Sc Chemistry / Physics /
Material Science with NET/GATE
Qualified (or) M.Tech Chemical Engineering
Salary Rs. 32,500/- (Consolidated)
Technical Assistant–02
M.Sc Chemistry / Physics / Material Science (or)
B.Tech Chemical Engineering
Salary Rs. 20,000/- (Consolidated)
Trained Office Assistant – 01
10th with experience in office work such as document
scanning/printing, Mail checking, stationary maintenance, indent
preparation, Tapal register maintenance etc.
Salary Rs. 100 per hour (Restrcited to maximum of 100 hrs per month)
General Information:
- Only short-listed candidates will be called for interview
- The position is purely temporary for 6 months and may be extended based
on theperformance of the candidate. - Separate Application should be sent for each post if required to apply for
morethan one post. - Any claim with regard to qualification & experience should have
necessary certificates.
How to Apply:
Interested candidates possessing qualification & experience may send hard
copy with the filled application form (as per Annexure – I) and curriculum vitae to
Dr.N.Balasubramanian, Professor &Team Coordinator, RUSA Project, Department
of Chemical Engineering, A.C Tech Campus, Anna University, Chennai-25along
with attested photocopies of educational qualifications, date of birth certificate,
relevant experience certificates, mark sheets, evidence of any other academic
credentials on or before 29.12.2022
Anna University Recruitment 2022 Click here