BHARAT SANCHAR NIGAM LIMITED, Hyderabad (STLHDC000014), invites Online
application from eligible Graduate/Diploma holders in Engineering (passed out during 2019/2020 & 2021), for undergoing one year Apprenticeship training under the Apprentices (Amendment) Act 1973.
Category I Technician (Diploma) Apprentices:-
Electronics & Communication Engineering : 22
Monthly Stipend Rs.8000/-
A. Category – I Graduate & Technician (Diploma) Apprentices:-
• A Diploma in Engineering or technology granted by a State Council or Board of Technical
Education established by a State Government in relevant discipline.
• A Diploma in Engineering or Technology granted by a University in relevant discipline
AGE: Age limit will be followed as per Apprenticeship Rules.
The duration of Apprenticeship training will be for a period of one year as per Apprentices
(Amendment) Act 1973.
Candidates who have already undergone or are currently undergoing apprenticeship
under Apprentices (Amendment) Act 1973, and/or having one year or more experience are not eligible to apply.
The final rank list would be prepared according to categories General/ SC/ ST/ OBC/ after
conducting Certificate Verification comprising of ADT BoAT (SR) and officials BHARAT SANCHAR NIGAM LIMITED, Hyderabad purely based on marks in Diploma Course. Selected Apprentices will be liable to serve anywhere in Telangana State / Circle.
- Online Application starting date : 20.11.2021
- Last date for enrolling in NATS portal : 29.11.2021
- Last date for applying BHARAT SANCHAR NIGAM LIMITED, Telangana Circle : 02.12.2021
- Certificate verification 08.12.2021
- Handing over of selection list to BHARAT SANCHAR NIGAM LIMITED, Telangana Circle : 10.12.2021
Certificate verification Date & Venue: Certificate Verification will be held on 08.12.2021 at O/o CGMT, Door Sanchar Bhawan, Nampally Station Road, Hyderabad.
Timings: 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM.
BSNL Recruitment 2021 Career page Click here
BSNL Recruitment 2021 Click here