ஜிப்மர் வேலைவாய்ப்பு அறிவிப்பு
Name of the post: Data entry operator – 4 Post
Salary: Rs 18,000/- per month consolidated
Upper age limit: 30 yrs
Qualification: Bachelor’s degree in computer science/application from a recognised university with knowledge of computer applications and 2 years’ experience in data entry. Knowledge of Microsoft Excel is essential.
How to apply
Interested and eligible candidates may send their application by email only mentioning in subject line “Application for the position Data Entry Operator”.
Email for sending application: [email protected]
Applications to be sent in the prescribed format along with CV and copies of certificate(s) by email to on or before 25-05-2021 4:30 PM
Additional documents to be enclosed in the email:
- Colour photograph (scanned image)
- Proof for date of birth
- Proof of residence – Aadhar / driving licence
- Qualification and experience certificates
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