Store Keeper- ( GT-1 )
Qualification: –
(i) Academic
passed SSLC Public Examination (or) its equivalent
i) Technical Computer Knowledge preferred.
Age Limit ( as on 01/07/2021 )
OC- Below 30 yrs , BC- Below 32 yrs, MBC/DNC- Below 32 yrs, SC- Below 35 yrs
SCA- Below 35 yrs , ST- Below 35 yrs
No maximum age limit for the candidates who possess the qualification higher than the
minimum required educational qualification to those belongs to SC/ SC(A)/ MBC/DNC/ BC/
BC(M)/ W/DW (As per Rule 12d of Tamil Nadu State & Subordinate Service Rule)
Typist- GT- 1
Qualification :-
i) Academic Qualification:-
Must possess Minimum General Educational Qualification viz.,
Must have passed SSLC Public Examination (or) its equivalent
with eligibility for admission to Higher Secondary Courses of Studies.
ii) Technical Qualification:-
Must have passed the Government Technical Examination in Typewriting:
i) by the Higher Grade in Tamil and English.
ii) by the Higher Grade in Tamil and Lower Grade in English.
iii) by the Higher Grade in English and Lower Grade in Tamil
Age Limit ( as on 01/07/2021 )
OC- Below 30 yrs.
BC- Below 32 yrs.
MBC/DNC- Below 32 yrs.
SC- Below 35 yrs
SCA- Below 35 yrs
ST- Below 35 yrs
No maximum age limit for the candidates who possess the qualification higher than the
minimum required educational qualification to those belongs to SC/ SC(A)/ MBC/DNC/ BC/
BC(M)/ W/DW (As per Rule 12d of Tamil Nadu State & Subordinate Service Rule
Steno Typist- GT-01
Qualification :
i) Academic Qualification:-
Must possess Minimum General Educational Qualification viz.,
Must have passed SSLC Public Examination (or) its equivalent with eligibility for admission to Higher Secondary Courses of Studies and
ii) Technical Qualification:
Must have passed the Government Technical Examination in Typewriting and Shorthand:
i) by the Higher Grade in Tamil and English.
ii) by the Higher Grade in Tamil and Lower Grade in English. (or)
iii) by the Higher Grade in English and Lower Grade in Tamil.
Age Limit ( as on 01/07/2021 )
OC- Below 30 yrs.
BC- Below 32 yrs.
MBC/DNC- Below 32 yrs.
SC- Below 35 yrs
SCA- Below 35 yrs
ST- Below 35 yrs
No maximum age limit for the candidates who possess the qualification
higher than the minimum required educational qualification to those
belongs to SC/ SC(A)/ MBC/DNC/ BC/ BC(M)/ W/DW
(As per Rule 12d of Tamil Nadu State & Subordinate Service Rule)
Office Assistant- 1 Post ( GT-1 ) : 8th Std Pass and able to ride bi-cycle.
Minimum Age limit 18 Years for all.
Maximum Age limit. SC/SC(A)/ST35 years. MBC/DNC-32 years, Others-30 years
Skilled Assistant- 5 Post :
Trades: Smithy-1 . Welding-1 , Machine shop-2, Fitting-1
Smithy- MBC/DNC-1 , Welding- SC(A)-1 , Machine Shop- BC-1
(Other than Muslim), SC-1 . Fitting –GT-1
Below 36 years as on 01/07/2021
i) Academic Qualification: Pass in SSLC and
ii) Technical Qualification: An Industrial Training Institute Certificate/National Trade
Certificate/National Apprentice-ship Training Certificate in the appropriate trade.
Lab. Assistant- 9 Nos
1)Survey Lab-1
2)Applied Mechanics-1
3)Electrical Lab-2
4)Science Lab-1
5)Workshop Attendant-1
7)Strength of Materials-1
8)Heat Engines-1
Academic Qualification: Pass in SSLC and
Technical Qualification: An Industrial Training Institute Certificate /National Trade Certificate/ National Apprentice-ship Training Certificate in the appropriate Trade.
Below 36 years as on 01/07/2021
[For SC(W/DW)- Below 41 years as on 01/07/2021]
Communal Roster:-
1)Survey Lab- BC-1 (Other than Muslim)
2) Applied Mechanics-GT-1
3) Electrical Lab- MBC/DNC-1
4) Electrical Lab- SC/W/DW)-1
5)Workshop Attendant-GT-1
7)Strength of Materials- MBC/DNC-1,
8) Heat Engines- BC-1 (Other than Muslim)
9) Science Lab- BC-1 (Other than Muslim)
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PTLEECNPT Recruitment 2021 NON-TEACHING POSTS (Govt. Aided) Application form Click here
PTLEECNPT Recruitment 2021 TEACHING POSTS (Govt. Aided) Application form Click here
PTLEECNPT Recruitment 2021 Home page Click here
Last Date : 15.03.2021