Applications are invited for engagement of One (1) Chartered Accountant with Minimum 3 Years post qualification experience In Finalization of Accounts on contract as Consultant (Finance) in SIPCOT.
Eligible applicants are requested to refer to for more details regarding emoluments, qualifications, experience, etc.The application format given therein can be downloaded, filled and emailed to [email protected] along with documentary proof.
The last date for receipt of application is 27.03.2023.
It is proposed to engage One (1) number of Consultant (Finance) on contract basis for Finance Department in SIPCOT.
Qualification:: Chartered Accountant (Associate / Fellow member of ICAI).
Experience :: Minimum 3 years post qualification experience In Finalization of Accounts In preparation of standalone / consolidated financial statements and adequate exposure in direct /indirect taxation in a Limited company / Chartered Accountant firm recognized by Comptroller and Auditor General of India (C&AG) for audit of State / Central Public Sector Undertakings.
Age limit 35 Years (as on 1.2.2023)
Job requirement:: Monitoring of day to day transaction of branch accounts of all Industrial Estates and Head Office, preparation of Budget Estimates, preparation. of Financial/ Cost statements, liaison with all auditors, ensuring timely completion of requirements under all relevant statutory laws applicable to the Organization.
The annual emoluments will be Rs.12.00 lakhs per annum TDS
Duration of Contract : The Contract period is initially for 2 years and extendable upto 5 years.
Condition: The selected candidate shall not leave or discontinue his/her service in theĀ· Corporation on his/her own accord without giving one month notice or one month salary in lieu thereof.
Notification Click here