TNPSC Group–IA Notification 2022

Applications are invited from eligible candidates only through online mode upto
12.01.2023 for direct recruitment to the vacancies in the post of Assistant Conservator of
Forests included in Group–IA Services.

Name of the Post : Assistant Conservator of Forests

Assistant Conservator of Forests Salary

Salary Rs.56100-205700

Assistant Conservator of Forests IMPORTANT DATES :-

Date of Notification 13.12.2022

Last date for submission of online application 12.01.2023

Application Correction Window Period From
17.01.2023 – 12.01 A.M.
19.01.2023 – 11.59 P.M

Date and time of Preliminary Examination
30.04.2023 FN 9.30 A.M. to 12.30 P.M

Date of Main Written Examination
Will be announced later at the time of declaration
of results of Preliminary Examination

Assistant Conservator of Forests : AGE LIMIT (as on 01.07.2022)

Minimum Age (should have completed as on 01.07.2022)

Others :34 Years

SCs, SC(A)s, STs, MBCs/DCs,
BC(OBCM)s, BCMs and Destitute
Widows of all categories : 39 Years

Assistant Conservator of Forests :

Applicants must possess Bachelor‘s degree in Science or Engineering in any
one of the following subjects or its equivalent qualification obtained from any
University or Institution recognized by the University Grants Commission for
purpose of its grant:-

A Bachelor’s Degree in Forestry

A Bachelor’s Degree in Botany

A Bachelor’s Degree in Zoology

A Bachelor’s Degree in Physics

A Bachelor’s Degree in Chemistry

A Bachelor’s Degree in Mathematics

A Bachelor’s Degree in Statistics

A Bachelor’s Degree in Geology

A Bachelor’s Degree in Agriculture

A Bachelor’s Degree in Horticulture

A Bachelor’s Degree in Agricultural Engineering

A Bachelor’s Degree in Civil Engineering

A Bachelor’s Degree in Chemical Engineering

A Bachelor’s Degree in Computer/Computer Science

A Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical Engineering

A Bachelor’s Degree in Electronics Engineering

A Bachelor’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering

A Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Applications

A Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science

A Bachelor’s Degree in Environmental Science

A Bachelor’s Degree in Veterinary Science

Assistant Conservator of Forests : FEES

Registration Fee Rs.150/-

Preliminary Examination Fee Rs.100/-

Main Written Examination Fee Rs.200/

Assistant Conservator of Forests :

The selection will be made in four successive stages viz., (i) Preliminary Examination
for selection of candidates for admission to the Main Written Examination (ii) Main
Written Examination (iii) Physical Test and (iv) Oral Test in the shape of an Interview.
The Preliminary Examination is meant to serve as a screening test only. The marks
obtained in the Preliminary Examination by the candidates who are declared qualified
for admission to the Main Written Examination will not be counted for determining their
final order of merit. The number of candidates to be admitted to the Main Written
Examination will be 10 times the number of candidates to be recruited having regard
to the rule of reservation of appointments. However, in each reservation group, all the
candidates who secure the same marks as that of cut off marks of their reservation
groups shall also be admitted to the Main Written Examination, though the number of
candidates to be admitted to the Main Written Examination may exceed 1:10 ratio. No
supplemental list will be published in the place of rejected candidates (or) candidates
who have failed to send documents for verification. The final selection will be made
based on the total marks obtained by the candidates in the Main Written Examination
Paper-II, Paper-III, Paper-IV Paper-V and Oral Test taken together, subject to Rule of
Reservation of Appointments.

Physical Test will be conducted after Main Written Examination and before Oral

Assistant Conservator of Forests : CENTRE FOR PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION


Assistant Conservator of Forests : MAIN EXAMINATION-Chennai

Assistant Conservator of Forests : Notification Click here

Assistant Conservator of Forests : Application Click here

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