- Online Application Form needs to be filled online on website https://ndacivrect.gov.in. Last
date for submission is 21 days from publication in ‘Employment News’. - Only online application will be accepted. Candidate to take a print-out of the Application
Form for future reference. Candidates NOT TO SEND any application printouts/ certificates/ copies to NDA by post. - Candidates must carefully read all the instructions, available on website
https://ndacivrect.gov.in. - To avoid last minute rush, candidates advised to submit online application much before
closing date, on account of heavy load on the internet or website jam during last few days/hours. - NDA does not accept any responsibility for candidates not being able to submit their online
application on account of aforesaid be any other reason(s). - Correct details be filled in the online application failing which candidature be treated as null
and void at any stage of recruitment. Onus is on the candidate to prove that all information
provided by him/ her in the online application is true. - Mere submission of online application(s) does not entitle candidates to be called for selection test. The number of candidates will be restricted for the selection test based on the marks obtained in the prescribed minimum educational qualification for the post(s), the number of which may be tentatively up to 10 times or more than the number of posts in each category for written test and upto four times or more for skill test based on written test marks. Decision of appointing authority will be final.
- Candidates are advised to follow all COVID related guidelines issued by the Central/ State
government. - Selected candidates for selection tests must be double vaccinated and without vaccinated
certificate will not be permitted. - Appointing authority reserves the right not to fill up any or all the post(s), if it so desires. The recruitment process can be stopped at any stage without assigning any reason
(a) The Application Form will be available on website
https://ndacivrect.gov.in and the last date for submission of online application
is 21 days from the date of publication of the advertisement in ‘Employment
News’. The crucial date for determining the age limit or claiming reservation
status or any other benefit were not specified otherwise, will be the closing
date for receipt of online applications.
(b) Only online application will be accepted. Candidate is required to
submit the Online Application Form and take a print-out of the Application
Form for future reference. Candidates NOT TO SEND any application
printouts/ certificates/ copies to NDA by post.
(c) Candidates are required to upload scan copies of minimum education
qualification certificate for the post applied, ID Proof (ie Aadhaar Card if not
held/ PAN Card/ Passport/ Driving Licence/ Voter Card etc), Passport size
colour photograph with light-background, scan sample of candidate’s signature.
(d) Candidate must carefully read all the instructions, before filling up the
Application Form.
(e) Mere submission of online application(s) does not entitle candidates to
be called for selection test. Depending on the number of applications
received, the number of candidates will be restricted for the selection test
based on the marks obtained in the prescribed minimum educational
qualification for the post(s), the number of which may be tentatively up to 10
times or more than the number of posts in each category in this
advertisement for written test and upto four times or more for skill test
based on written test marks. The decision of appointing authority will be
final in this regard.
(f) Candidates should note that no extra weight-age will be given for any
additional higher qualifications other than the prescribed minimum
qualification or experience, which also does not vest any right in a candidate
for being called for Selection Test(s). All selection tests will be conducted at
NDA Khadakwasla, Pune.
(g) Short-listed candidates will be intimated later on by email/ SMS for
reporting for selection tests. The candidates must bring print out of their
Application Form/ Admit Card duly photo pasted along with all the essential
original documents and valid Photo ID (i.e. Aadhaar Card and if not held, PAN
Card/ Passport/ Driving Licence/ Voter Card etc.) which has been uploaded at
the time of submission of online application.
(h) Candidates are advised to keep their mobile number and valid e-mail
mentioned in online application form active during the entire recruitment
process as important messages will be sent by email/SMS which will be
deemed to have been read by the candidates.
(j) To avoid last minute rush, candidates are advised in their own interest
to submit online application much before the closing date, since there may be
a possibility of inability/ failure to log on to the website on account of heavy
load on the internet or website jam during the last few days.
(k) NDA does not accept any responsibility for the candidates for not being
able to submit their online application on account of aforesaid reasons or any
other reason.
(l) Departmental candidates also have to submit online application and
may be allowed to compete along with other candidates for appointment to
Group ‘C’ higher posts up to the age of 40 years in case of general
candidates and relaxation as applicable for reserve vacancies.
(m) Academy reserves the right not to fill up any or all the post(s), if it so
desires. Recruitment process can be stopped at any stage without assigning
any reason. The number of vacancies indicated in the advertisement may
vary, i.e. increase/ decrease/ cancelled at any stage, during the course of
(n) To avoid risk of COVID-19, candidates are advised to follow all
instructions/ guidelines issued by the Central/ State government for preventive
of COVID-19 from time to time. At the entrance any candidate showing
complaints of influence like illness may not be allowed for the test considering
the safety of other persons.
(o) Candidates who have been shortlisted for selection tests must have
been vaccinated. No candidate will be permitted without providing vaccination
certificate at the entrance during the selection tests.
(p) The candidates applying for the post of Multi Tasking Staff-Office &
Training (MTS-O&T) to note that the Appointing Authority may chose to place
the candidate selected for Multi Tasking Staff for the duties of Safaiwala/
Groom/ Cadet Orderly/ Fatigueman/ Masalchi/ Mess Waiter/ Chowkidar/
Groundsman/ Mali/ Storeman/ Messenger/ Distributor/ Sail Maker/ Tindal/
Dozer Driver/ Laboratory Attendant/ Workshop Attendant/ Library Attendant/
Gallery Attendant etc trades at the Academy.
(q) Those working in Government Establishments, Public Sector
Undertakings, and Autonomous Bodies should apply online after obtaining
NOC (No Objection Certificate) from their establishment, with a certificate that
no disciplinary action is contemplated / pending against them and they have
no objection in releasing them in case of selection.
(r) Academy reserves the right not to fill up any or all the post(s), if it so
desires. The number of vacancies indicated in the advertisement may vary i.e.
increase/ decrease/ cancelled at any stage during the course of recruitment.
(s) Candidates, who have applied for different posts and are shortlisted for
more than one post, shall required to choose anyone post to appear for the
selection test. Option exercised once shall be final and binding on the
candidate. No representation in this regard shall be entertained.
(t) The responsibility to decide the category/ post for which the candidate
would like to appear for selection test will be choice of the applicant himself.
(u) No TA/DA is admissible. Duration of the selection tests can be 4 to 6
days or more. Candidates will make their own arrangement for the lodging/
boarding during the selection tests.
(v) Candidates reporting late i.e. after the reporting time specified for
examination will not be permitted to take the examination.
(w) Some unscrupulous elements may approach you with the assurance of
procuring appointment for you through illegal gratification. You must not fall
prey to such false assurance or exploitation and must not entertain or
encourage such elements in any way. National Defence Academy shall not be
responsible in any manner, whatsoever if a candidate succumbs to such
tactics by anybody at any stage. It is emphasized and reassured that selection
test and exercise will be done on merit only in a transparent manner.
(x) The scrutiny of all requisite documents will take place in respect of
shortlisted candidates. If any of the documents are found ‘Not In Order’ or any
deviation found in documents uploaded and original document at any stage
during the recruitment process, or even after the issue of provisional selection
letter/ appointment letter, the candidature of such candidates or their
appointment will be rendered null and void and they will be liable for
Lower Division Clerk Posts
Age Limit : 18-27 Yrs
(a) 12th Class pass from a
recognized Board or University; and
(b) Skill Test : A typing Speed of 35
wpm in English or 30 wpm in Hindi on
computer (Time allowed 10 Minutes)
(35 wpm and 30 wpm correspond to
10500 key depressions per hour/ 9000
key depressions per hour on average
of 5 key depression for each word).
Age Limit : 18-25 Yrs
(a) 12th Class or equivalent from a
recognized Board or University; and
(b) Two years experience from a
recognized Organization or
Undertaking in the trade.
(a) Industrial Training Institute (ITI)
pass Certificate as Painter from a
recognized Institute.
(b) Two years experience from a
recognized Organization or
Undertaking in the Trade.
18-27 Yrs
(a) 12th Class or equivalent from a
recognized Board or University and
(b) Diploma in Draughtsman-ship of a
minimum duration of two years from a
recognized Institute.
(a) Industrial Training Institute Pass
Certificate as Draughtsman from a
recognized Institute.
(b) Two years experience from a
recognized Organization or
Undertaking in the trade
Civilian Motor Driver
18-27 Yrs
(a) 12th Class or equivalent from a
recognized Board or University.
(b) Must possess the civilian driving
license for heavy vehicles.
(c) Two years experience from a
recognized Organization or
Undertaking in driving heavy vehicles
Compositor-Cum Printer
18-25 Yrs
(a) 12th Class or equivalent from a
recognized Board or University and
(b) Two years experience from a
recognized Organization or
Undertaking in the trade
Cinema Projectionist
18-25 Yrs
(a) 12th Class or equivalent from a
recognized Board or University and
(b) Two years experience from a
recognized Organization or
Undertaking in the trade
18-25 Yrs
(a) 12th Class or equivalent from a
recognized Board or University; and
(b) Two years experience from a
recognized Organization or
Undertaking in the trade.
(a) Industrial Training Institute (ITI)
pass Certificate as Cook from a
recognized Institute.
(b) Two years experience from a
recognized Organization or
Undertaking in the Trade
18-25 Yrs
(a) 12th Class or equivalent from a
recognized Board or University and
(b) Two years experience from a
recognized Organization or
Undertaking in the trade.
Fireman 18-27 Yrs Essential:-
(a) Matriculation or equivalent
examination from a recognized Board.
(b) Must possess the civilian driving
license for heavy vehicle.
(c) Certificate of minimum six
months duration in use and
maintenance of first aid, fire fighting
appliances and Tailor fire pumps from
recognize Organization or
(d) Must be physically fit and
capable of performing strenuous duties
and must have passed the test
specified in note below.
One year experience in the Trade.
Note:- (Test as to physical fitness etc)
- Height without shoes–165Cms.
Provided that concession of 2.5 Cms in
height shall be allowed for members of
the Scheduled Tribes. - Chest: Un-expended – 81.5 Cms
- Chest: On-expansion – 85 Cms
- Weight : 50 Kg (minimum)
- Endurance Test :-
(i) Carrying a man (Fireman
lift 63.5 Kg to a distance of 183
Meters within 96 seconds.
(ii) Clearing 2.7 Meters wide
ditch landing on both feet (long
(iii) Climbing 3 meters
vertical rope using hands & feet.
Technical Attendant
Baker &Confectioner
18-25 Yrs
Industrial Training Institute Pass
Certificate in Baker and Confectioner
from a recognized Institute.
(a) Matriculation pass or equivalent
examination from a recognized Board /
(b) At least one year experience of
working as Baker and Confectioner
from a recognized Organization
Technical Attendant
Cycle Repairer
18-25 Yrs
Industrial Training Institute Pass
Certificate in ‘Cycle Repairer’ from a
recognized Institute.
(a) Matriculation or equivalent
examination from a recognized Board/
(b) At least one year experience of
working as Cycle Repairer from a
recognized Organization.
Multi Tasking Staff – Office & Training
18-25 Yrs
Matriculation pass or equivalent from a
recognized Board/ Institute.
Notification Click here
General Information Click here
Application click here