Department of Posts, Tariff & Costing (T&C) Section, Dak Bhawan invites applications as per Annexure-I from Cost Accountants purely on temporary basis under the following terms & conditions for engagement.
Cost Accountant (CMA) in terms of the Cost and Works Accountants Act, 1959 (23 of 1959).
Between 30 to 45 years as on 01/10/2021.
Minimum of five years of experience is essential. Experience of working in and having
considerable experience of functioning of Govt Department/PSU will be given preference. He/ She should have effective communication and interpersonal skills with a strong flair for in-depth examination relating to policy matters/ finance or any other requisite field. Keeping in view the nature of work and its exigency, the candidate should be preferably from Delhi/NCR.
Salary Rs.55000/-
Candidates may send the duly filled application form as per Annexure-I to the email id
[email protected] by 5:30 pm, 03/01/2021, Application received through any other mode will not be accepted.
The applications received shall be placed before a Primary Screening Committee of DoP* which may recommend candidates that is 20 times the number of Vacancy. The selection criteria will be on the basis of Educational Qualification, Professional Qualification work experience, Age etc.
A Secondary Screening and Interview** will be done by the Consultant Evaluation Committee (CEC)* of DoP.
A merit list of 10 times the number of vacancies will be prepared and accordingly, the Cost
Accountant will be selected from the top of the list.
Any candidate who fails to join in the time allowed to him/her will be terminated from the list and the candidate of next serial number from the merit list will be selected for the service.
Date of Opening of Application : 22nd December, 2021
Date of Closing of Application : 03rd January, 2022 (5:30 PM)
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