The Directorate of Municipal Administration, Chennai-28 invites application from the eligible candidates for the following posts to work o contract basis for a period of one year in the Urban Data and Governance Improvement Cell (UDGIC) constituted under ADB assisted TNUFIP in the Directorate of Municipal Administration, Raja Annamalaipuram, MRC Nagar, Chennai-600 028.
Senior Expert/ General Manager (UDGIC) : 1 post
Rs.1,00,000/- per month consolidated
Graduate in Engineering, Planning, Science, commerce or Economics / Statistics
At least ten years of basis experience in monitoring and evaluation or financial
management of Government agencies. Experience in External Aided Projects
(EAPs)/within ULBs would be preferred
Information Technology & MIS Specialist : 1 post
Graduate in information technology /Computer science or engineering graduate with at least 5 Years Experience
Rs.90,000/- per month consolidated
Temporarily & Contract basis
► The Selected candidates will be appointed for a period of one year
► The extension of contract period depends upon the continuance of the post /posts by the Government and based on the performance of the incumbent of the post.
► If the person who appointed as Expert shall give one month notice if he / she
wants to resign the post for any reason.
► If the DMA feels that his / her service is no longer required, he / she will be terminated / relieved without furnishing any reason, by giving a month’s notice.
► The Specialist is eligible for a day’s causal leave in a month.
Last date of receipt of application is 31.12.2021
Eligible& willing candidates are requested to send the application in the format attached herewith before 5.00 PM on 31.12.2021 to the following address:
Director of Municipal Administration, Urban Administrative Building, Raja Annamalaipuram, MRC Nagar, Chennai-600 028
Email id: [email protected]
Directorate of Municipal Administration Recruitment 2021 Click here