தமிழ்நாடு கால்நடை மருத்துவ அறிவியல் பல்கலைக்கழகத்தில் வேலைவாய்ப்பு 2021
A walk-in-interview will be conducted for the post of TWO Project Assistants in the
Self financing scheme on “IVF training on Human Resource Development” and
“Human Resource Development” functioning at the Department of Animal
Biotechnology, Madras Veterinary College, Chennai-600 007.
திட்ட உதவியாளர் பணி : 02 காலியிடங்கள்
Project Assistant:
M.Tech Biotechnology / or M.Sc in Biotechnology, Microbiology, Biochemistry,
Molecular Biology or related disciplines with First class or equivalent. Experience of
working in cell culture, embryo culture and molecular biology laboratory is desirable.
Pay : Rs.20,000/- + 10% HRA per month
Candidates with full bio-data are requested to walk in to the Department of Animal
Biotechnology, Madras Veterinary College, Chennai – 600 007, for a written test and
an interview on 08.10.2021 at 10.00 AM with original certificates in support of age,
qualifications, photo ID card and experience certificate. Working personnel are
requested to attend the interview with no objection letter from the present employer.
No TA and DA will be provided for attending the interview. The written exam
would be for one hour duration with multiple choice questions. Selection will be
made as per the norms of ASRR, TANUVAS
For further details contact:
The Professor and Head
Department of Animal Biotechnology
Faculty of Basic Sciences
Madras Veterinary College Campus
Chennai – 600 007
Email : [email protected]
Website : www.tanuvas.ac.in
TANUVAS Recruitment 2021 Click here