Opening Date of Online Application : 01/06/2021
Date and Time of Closing of Online Application : 30/06/2021 till 17.00 Hrs
ONLINE applications are invited from eligible candidates for engagement as Apprentices for imparting training under the Apprentices Act, 1961 in the designated trades at various
Divisions/Workshops/Units in the jurisdiction of Southern Railway.
No of Vacancies : 936
Minimum Academic/Technical Qualification as per the Apprentices Act 1961:
Fresher Category:-
Fitter, Painter & Welder : Should have passed 10th Class (with a minimum
of 50% aggregate marks) under 10, +2 System of education or its equivalent.
Medical Laboratory Technician (Radiology, Pathology, Cardiology )
Should have passed 12th Class (with a minimum of 50% aggregate marks) under 10, +2 system of education with Physics, Chemistry and Biology.
Ex.ITI Category:-
Fitter, Machinist, MMV, Turner, Diesel Mechanic, Carpenter, Painter, Welder(G&E), Wireman,
Advance Welder & R&AC
Should have passed 10th Class (with a minimum of 50% aggregate marks) under 10 +2 System of education and ITI course in the relevant trade in Government recognized ITI.
Electrician Should have passed 10th Class (with a minimum of
50% aggregate marks)under 10 +2 System of education with Science as one of the subjects or its equivalent and ITI course in the relevant trade in Government recognized ITI
Electronics Mechanic Should have passed 10th Class (with a minimum of
50% aggregate marks) under 10 +2 System of education with Science (Physics and Chemistry) and Mathematics or its equivalent and ITI course in the relevant trade in Government recognized ITI
PASAA Should have passed 10th Class (with a minimum of 50% aggregate marks) under 10 +2 System of education & National Trade Certificate issued by National Council for Vocational Training in “Computer Operator and Programming Assistant”
Note: i) Minimum 50% marks in SSLC not applicable for SC/ST/PwBD Candidates.
ii) Course Completed Act Apprentices, Engineering Graduates and Diploma
holders are NOT eligible to apply.
Fresher Category:
Welder : 1 Year 3 months
Fitter & Painter : 2 Years
Medical Laboratory Technician
(Cardiology ,Radiology & Pathology) : 1 Year 3 months
Ex.ITI Category
In respect of Ex.ITI candidates, rebate in the duration of training will be given as per
the Schedule-I of Apprentices Rules 1992, as amended time to time.
1. Fresher’s – X std Rs.6000/- (per month)
2. Fresher’s – 12thstd Rs.7000/- (per month)
3. Ex-ITI Rs.7000/- (per month)
AGE LIMIT (as on date of notification):
i) The candidates should have completed 15 years of age and should NOT have
completed 22/24 years for Freshers/Ex-ITI, MLT respectively.
ii) The Upper age is relax able by 3 years for OBC, 5 years for SC/ST candidates and 10
Years for Person with Benchmark Disability (PwBD).
Fresher Category :- Marks obtained in Matriculation will be converted for 200 and
merit list will be drawn based on the converted marks duly ensuring Minimum 50% in
aggregate marks in Matriculation.
Ex.ITI :- Marks obtained in Matriculation will be converted to 100 marks ( duly
ensuring Minimum 50% marks in aggregate) + ITI marks duly converted to 100. Total
marks put together will be calculated for 200 marks and merit list will be drawn based
on the converted marks giving equal weight age to both.
MLT :- Marks obtained in Higher Secondary (with Physics, Chemistry, Maths & Biology)
will be converted for 200 and merit list will be drawn based on the converted marks
duly ensuring Minimum 50% in aggregate marks in Matriculation.
Processing fee (Non-Refundable) Rs.100/-.
Fee is to be paid through ONLINE MODE. Ne fee is required to be paid by
SC/ST/PwBD/Women candidates.
Southern Railway Recruitment 2021 Notification Click here
Southern Railway Recruitment 2021 Online application Click here