Geo-Technical Expert – 01 Post
Salary Rs.75000/-
Educational Qualifications:
- Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering with First Class
- Post Graduate’s degree (M.Tech., M.S. M.E.) in Geotechnical
Engineering / Soil Mechanics / Rock Mechanics with first class.
Desirable: - Ph.D.Degree in Geotechnical Engineering / Soil Mechanics / Rock
Mechanics - Knowledge in interpretation of laboratory and field Geotechnical and
Geophysical test data, preparation of Geotechnical investigation reports,
Knowledge in Geotechnical software to carry out slope stability analysis
and Experience in one of major Geotechnical Engineering projects
preferably related to landslides
At-least four years of industrial/research/teaching experience after
P.G.Degree. The experience gained during Ph.D is considered as four years
research experience.
For Retired Govt. Servants:
Retired Government Servants in scale 13 (as per Seventh CPC) i.e, Prerevised Grade Pay 8700 and above with at least 10 years experience in their entire period of service, as detailed in “Desirable” under Post qualification.
Geological Expert: 01 Post
Salary Rs.75000/-
Educational Qualifications:
Master’s degree in any discipline of Geology / Applied Geology preferably
with specialization in Geological mapping for Landslide studies / Geotechnical
Investigation for Slope Stability Analysis / Disaster Management with
specialization on Landslide studies) from recognized university
Persons with M.Phill., / Ph.D./ additional qualifications, Research
experience, published papers (or) post qualification experience in the relevant
field would be given additional weightage.
Post Qualification Experience:
Candidates should have minimum 10 years post qualification experience
in the relevant fields.
For Retired Govt. Servants:
Retired Government Servants in scale 13 (as per Seventh CPC) i.e, Prerevised Grade Pay 8700 and above with at least 10 years experience in their
entire period of service, as detailed in “Desirable” under Post qualification.
Watershed Management Expert : 01
Salary Rs.75000/-
Educational Qualification:
Master’s degree in Engineering (Soil and water Conservation / Water
Resource / Hydrology / Civil Engineering with specialization in Watershed or
other Watershed Related Subjects) from recognized university.
- Doctorate in the relevant subjects as mentioned under Essential Qualification.
- Evidence of publications based on the R&D works.
- Knowledge of various factors of land slide and management.
For Retired Govt. Servants:
Experience for at least 10 years in the pay band 4 in the grade pay of
Rs.10,000/- in soil and water conservation / watershed management and
monitoring / land slide related works / hydrology / water resources /
preparing DPR for watershed planning.
Selection Process:
The Selection will ne base on short listing and Interview.
How to apply:
Application along with supporting documents should reach this Office on
are before 10.07.2021 to the following address through post.
District Collector
The Nilgiris.
Udhagamandalam – 643 001.
Nilgiris District Collector’s Office Recruitment 2021 Notification Click here