இந்திய தேசிய நெடுஞ்சாலை ஆணையத்தில் (NHAI) வேலைவாய்ப்பு 2021

Deputy Manager (Technical) Post
No of Vacancies : 41
Salary Rs.15,600-39,100/- + Grade Pay of Rs.5400/-
Age Limit : Not exceeding 30 years as on closing date of advertisement.
Essential Educational Qualification:
Degree in Civil Engineering from a recognized University / Institute.
Note-I Candidates who are appearing for the final year/semester Degree (in Civil
Engineering), the passing of which would render them educationally qualified for
the post, are also eligible to apply.
In case of their selection, their joining to the post in NHAI
will be considered only after submission of proof of passing of Degree in Civil
Engineering acquired on or before 31st December, 2021, failing which such
candidates will not be considered.
Selection process: On the basis of valid GATE score 2021 in Civil Engineering discipline as on closing date of advertisement.
However, NHAI reserves the right to invite candidate for interview, as per cut off for
respective category subsequently to be decided by NHAI.
The application form Online may be submitted by 28.05.2021 (6:00 PM).
NHAI Recruitment 2021 Official Notification Click here
NHAI Online Application Click here