District Statistical Office Recruitment 2025

Applications are invited for filling up of the following post at District Statistical
Office on consolidated pay basis. The post is purely on temporary basis. There will be
no continuation

Young Professional-01

Salary Rs.50,000/-

Preferred Qualification :

  1. Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science /
    Information Technology
  2. Bachelor’s Degree in Data Science and Statistics
    (Four Years Course only) (or)
  3. Master’s Degree in Computer Science, Information
    Technology, Data Science, Statistics or related


  1. Strong research and analytical skills
  2. Proficiency in data analysis tools (eg., Excel, SPSS,
    R or similar) & Microsoft Office tools.
  3. Ability to work independently and as part of a team
  4. Persons already have work experience may be

Selection Process:
 District Administration may follow the following process to select the

  1. Short Listing
  2. Interview

Role & Responsibilities:

  1. Conduct comprehensive research and analysis
    quantitate and qualitative data on various schemes
    that are being implemented by various departments
    in the district.
  2. Develop reports, presentations and policy brief
    based on research findings.

Also, primary responsibilities will include:
i. The unit will function under the direct control of the District Collector.
ii. The unit shall collect the relevant data and prepare review notes for the District
Collector’ tour.
iii. Every month, this Unit shall collect the data on the implementation status of the
important Government schemes and prepare the analytical report for District
Collector’s use.
iv. The Unit shall furnish an analytical report for the District level meetings by
collecting inputs from the respective departments.
v. The Unit shall collect, analyses, update and maintain desired district level and sub
district level data and generate useful information for local level planning.
vi. To be a part of Inspection Team for Hon’ble Chief Minister’s regional review.
vii. To be a part of Inspection Team during Hon’ble Deputy Chief Minister’s District
viii. The Unit in consultation with the District Collector shall identify the list of
Schemes/programs/projects which needs to be reviewed periodically by a District
Level Monitoring Committee headed by the District Collector. The said
Committee consists of Members of Legislative Assembly of the District and
District Level heads of stake holding departments as members.
ix. The Unit shall convene the Committee Meeting on quarterly basis and prepare
progress report for the meeting.
x. The Unit shall periodically conduct sample study on progress of the flagship
programs identified by the District Collector and report to District Collector and to
the Special Programme Implementation department. (At least two schemes per
xi. Any other work relating to Monitoring assigned by the District Collector and the
Government from time to time.

How to Apply:
 Filled in applications with relevant enclosures/documents duly self attested
to be sent to District Statistical Office, Collectorate, Virudhunagar (address
mentioned as below) in person / by post / by mail so as to reach on or
before 23.01.2025 by 5.00 P.M.
Address :
Deputy Director of Statistics,
District Statistical Office,
Virudhunagar District – 626 002.
[email protected]
 Applications received after the above date will be summarily rejected.
 Original certificates should not be sent along with the application.

Last date for Submission of Application 23.01.2025


TitleDescriptionStart DateEnd DateFile
Applications are invited by the District statistical office(District Monitoring Unit) for Young Professional PostApplications are invited by the District statistical office(District Monitoring Unit) for young professional post
Download application form (PDF : 317 KB) 
13/01/202523/01/2025View (356 KB) 

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