The Animal Quarantine & Certification Services (SR), Chennai engages
consultant for providing inputs on different aspects of work in the office. This
engagement is in the nature of fee-based consultancy, and does not in any
way tantamount to an appointment for employment or job. The general
guidelines on engagement of consultants on contract basis in the Department
are as under:-
Persons retired from the post of UDC or equivalent in the Government of India,
State Governments, Attached & Subordinate offices of the Government of India
are eligible for the position of consultant in their respective spheres of
Candidates should have excellent communication and interpersonal skills.
Knowledge of computer applications such as MS Word, MS Excel and Power
Point, etc. is essential.
Candidates should be well conversant with Central Secretariat functions like
drafting, noting, budget, accounts, office procedure, etc.
The entry level requirement of consultants is as follows:-
Entry-Level requirement | Designation |
Retired UDC or equivalent | Consultant |
Age Limit:
Should not be more than 64 years of age on the last date for receipt of
The contract shall not be extended beyond 05 years after superannuation.
A fixed monthly amount shall be admissible, arrived at by deducting the basic
pension from the pay drawn at the time of retirement. The amount of
remuneration so fixed shall remain unchanged for the term of contract. There
will be no annual increment/ percentage increases during the contract period.
No increment and Dearness Allowance shall be allowed during the term of
A fixed amount as Transport allowance shall be paid to the consultants who
are retired government employees. The entitlement of transport allowance will
be as per DOE’s OM No. 21/5/2017-E.II(B) dated 07.07.2017. However, No
Dearness Allowance shall be allowed. The amount of Transport Allowance for
the appointee shall be Rs.3,600/-.
They will not be entitled to any allowance such as HRA, residential
accommodation, tuition fee reimbursement.
The engagement of consultant on contract basis will be made only in case of
vacancies are not filled up on regular basis or to meet the requirement due to
additional activities of defined time frame.
The term of engagement shall ordinarily be for an initial period not exceeding
one year which is extendable by one year. Beyond two years after the age of
superannuation where adequate justification exists, the term may be extended
based on a review of the task and the performance of the contract appointee,
provided it shall not be extended beyond five years after superannuation.
The term of all the consultants will be from 01st April till 31st March of any given
financial year. For consultants engaged midway through any financial year,
their initial period of engagement will be till 31st March of that financial year.
The engagement of consultant will be purely on contract basis and will not
confer any right for regular appointment in the Ministry/organization
Engagement Procedure:
The Consultant would be engaged after following due procedure, including
calling for applications through advertisement.
The engagement can also be made on nomination basis in rare circumstances
with due justification and a p p r o v a l of Secretary (AHD) and concurrence of IFD.
The scrutiny of applications and selection of consultant will be carried out by
a Committee in the Ministry/Organizations.
The duly constituted Selection Committee shall assess the suitability of the
candidates as per the functional requirements of the Department.
The Ministry has the right to cancel advertisement issued for engagement of
Consultants and not to proceed in the matter for engagement of Consultant, at
any stage to accept or reject any or all applications without giving any reasons
there for, whatsoever
Scope of Consultancy/ Responsibility:
Matters relating to Establishment and Administration including Court cases
Retired Government Servants:
The retired Govt. servant engaged as consultant shall continue to draw pension
and Dearness Relief on pension during the period of his engagement as
consultant. The engagement as consultants shall not be considered as a case of
Paid leave of absence may be allowed at the rate of 1.5 days for each completed
month of service. Accumulation of leave beyond a calendar year will not be
Working Hours:
The Consultant shall be required to observe the normal office timing and may
also be called upon to attend the office on Saturday, Sunday or any holiday in
case of urgency.
Tax Deduction at Source:
The Income Tax or any other tax will be deducted at source as per rules.
Confidentiality of data and documents:
The Consultant will maintain absolute confidentiality and secrecy of the
information handled by him. The secrecy and confidentiality are to be
maintained even after the termination of the engagement.
The Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) of the data collected as well as
deliverables by the Consultant produced for the Department:/organization shall
remain with the Department/organization.
No Consultant shall utilize or publish or disclose or part with, to a third party,
any part of the data or statistics or proceedings or information collected for the
purpose of this assignment or during the course of assignment for the
Department/organization, without the express written consent of the
The Consultant shall be bound to hand-over the entire set of records of
assignment to the Department before the expiry of the contract, and before the
final payment is released by the Department/organization.
The Consultant would be required to sign a non-disclosure undertaking
Conflict of interest:
The Consultant appointed by the Department, shall in no case represent or give
opinion or advice to others in any matter which is adverse to the interest of the
Department/organization nor will he indulge in any activity outside the terms of
employment/contractual assignment.
The Consultant shall not claim any benefit/ compensation/
absorption/ regularization of service with this Ministry under the provision of
Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 or Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act,
Termination of Agreement:
The Ministry retains the right to terminate the contract at any time without giving
any notice and also without assigning any reasons. Some of the situations under
which the Ministry may terminate the contract are:-
(i) The Consultant is unable to address the assigned work.
(ii) Quality of the assigned work is not to the satisfaction of the Department.
(iii) The Consultant is found lacking in honesty and integrity.
(iv) In case of joining any regular incumbent to the post.
The criteria may be relaxed in exceptional cases based on justification in the
interest of the government with the approval of Secretary (AHD).
Interpretation Clause
The power to interpret any of the guidelines or power to settle any dispute arising
out of these guidelines shall lie with Secretary (AHD) whose decision shall be final
and binding. Further, any condition not explicitly covered under these guidelines
shall be put up to Secretary (AHD) for decision which shall be final and binding on
the consultant.
Initially for a period of one year with effect from the
date selected candidates joins duty. May further be
extended on year-to-year basis, subject to functional
requirements and also subject to appraisal of the
Should not be more than 64 years of age on the last
date for receipt of application
Remuneration And entry-level requirement :-
As per the guidelines of the Department of
Expenditure issued vide O.M. No.3-25/2020-E.IIIA,
dated 09.12.2020 and as at Annexure-III.
Place of work : Animal Quarantine & Certification Services (SR),
No.115, Velachery Main Road, Pallikaranai, Chennai – 600100, Tamil Nadu.
Specialization in : Establishment and Administration including Court Matters.
- Should have retired from the post of UDC or
equivalent and having at least 10 years’ experience
of working in Establishment and Administration and
sound knowledge of service rules and
regulations. Ability to use Internet/ Computer
System is mandatory. - Should have experience in procurement of goods
and services through GeM, Billing procedure in
PFMS & EIS, handling of e-Office procedure and
coordinating to Audit etc
Preference will be given to persons:
Who are proficient in working independently in MS
Office and other computer applications.
Who have handled administrative/ court matters
and related issues while in service.
S.No. | Title | Published Date | Order No. | File Download |
1 | Extension of date for receiving applications for engagement of one consultant on contract basis in AQCS (Southern Region), Chennai up to 27th January-2025 – reg. | 2025-01-07 | 01-32/2024/AQCS(SR)/135 | RevisedCicularUDCLevelAQCSChennai07-01-25.pdf |