Dindigul District Statistical Office Recruitment 2025

The Hon’ble Minister for Youth Welfare and Sports Development on the floor of assembly has made the following announcement:

To implement the above announcement, it is proposed to establish a District Level Monitoring Unit to collect the data from the District and Sub – district level on Socio ­economic indicator, Education parameter, Health parameter and Infrastructure from the Departments concerned and to analyse the data and provide time to time analytical inputs directly to the District Collector for taking data driven decisions.

In pursuance of the above, G.0 No. [Ms) [01, Special Programme Implementation Department, dated: 03.01.2025, has been issued for appointment of One Young Professional to District Monitoring Unit in respect of Dindigul District.

In this regard, the application is invited for the post of Young Professionals in the Dindigul District Monitoring Unit vide said G.O

Date of Notification 10.01.2025

Last date for submission of application 23.01.2025

Screening process 24.01.2025

Date of Personal Interview 30.01.2025

Young Professional-01

Salary Rs.50,000/-

Preferred Qualification :

  1. Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science /
    Information Technology
  2. Bachelor’s Degree in Data Science and Statistics
    (Four Years Course only) (or)
  3. Master’s Degree in Computer Science, Information
    Technology, Data Science, Statistics or related


  1. Strong research and analytical skills
  2. Proficiency in data analysis tools (eg., Excel, SPSS,
    R or similar) & Microsoft Office tools.
  3. Ability to work independently and as part of a team
  4. Persons already have work experience may be

Hence, all the eligible candidates who are willing to accept the post are requested to apply in the prescribed Application Format in Annexure – I, the application should reach this below office either through post/ in person, on or before 23.01.2025@ 5.45 pm.

Deputy Director of Statistics, District Statistical Office, Room No.228, IInd Floor, V.N. Campus, Dindigul – 624 004.


TitleDescriptionStart DateEnd DateFile
Applications are requested for the position of young Professional in the Dindigul District Monitoring Unit.position of young Professional in the Dindigul District13/01/202530/01/2025View (1 MB) 

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