TTDC invites applications from eligible candidates for the following posts through Direct recruitment and on Deputation basis:
No. of Posts 1 (One)
Name of the Post : Chief Manager(Finance)
Mode of recruitment : Direct Recruitment – GT (GENERAL TURN)
Qualification Associate member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India.
Associate Member of the Institute of Cost and Works Accountants of India.
Experience Not less than 15 years experience in a similar capacity in a
private or Public Sector Undertaking. Must have adequate
knowledge in GST and Income Tax. Experience in Hotel Industry
/ Hospitality Sector will be preferred
(SCs, SC(A)s, STs) Upto 50 years as on 01.07.2023
Others Upto 45 years as on 01.07.2023
Scale of Pay Rs.59,300 – 2,17,600
In the Pay Matrix Level – 25
(Basic Pay, DA and other allowances will be paid as per rules of
this Corporation)
No. of Posts 1 (One)
Name of the Post Senior Manager(Finance)
Mode of Recruitment : By Deputation
Eligibility From Accountant General’s Office, Directorate of Treasuries and
Accounts, or Examiner of Local Fund Accounts
Not below the rank of AAG, AD of Treasuries and Accounts, and
Assistant Examiner of Local Fund Accounts.
Scale of Pay Rs.56900 –209200
In the Pay Matrix Level – 23
No. of Posts 1 (One)
Name of the Post Manager(Finance)
Mode of Recruitment : By Deputation
Eligibility From Accountant General’s Office, Directorate of Treasuries and
Accounts, or Examiner of Local Fund Accounts
Not below the rank of AO of Treasuries and Accounts, and
Assistant Examiner of Local Fund Accounts.
Scale of Pay Rs. 56100 – 205700
In the Pay Matrix Level – 22
General Instructions
Direct Recruitment:
- Candidates employed in Government / Quasi Government should
apply through proper Channel. - The Managing Director, TTDC Ltd., has the right to cancel or modify
or terminate this notification without assigning any reasons. - The decision of Managing Director, TTDC, regarding Selection /
Rejection will be final and no appeal will be entertained. - On scrutiny of received applications from the applicants, call letter
will be sent to the qualified applicants only by intimating the date of
interview. - Please apply in the prescribed application format that can be
downloaded from the website www.tamilnadutourism.tn.gov.in and
send the duly filled application only through RPAD / Speed post
by superscribing the cover with “Application for the post of CHIEF
MANAGER (FINANCE)”. - The filled in application along with testimonials should reach this
office on or before 30.10.2023.
- Willing employees working in State Government / Quasi
Government should apply through proper channel along with
recommendation of the concerned HOD.
The Managing Director
Tamilnadu Tourism Development Corporation Limited,
No.2, Tourism Complex,
Wallajah Road, Chennai-600 002,
Contact No.25333850 to 854,
Email ID: [email protected],
Website: www.tamilnadutourism.tn.gov.in.
Notification click here