வைகுந்த் மேத்தா தேசிய கூட்டுறவு மேலாண்மை நிறுவனம் வேலைவாய்ப்பு அறிவிப்பு
Applications are invited for the post of
Academic Associate of PGDM Programme
to be appointed through Institute certified agency
- Candidates are advised to send their application as per proforma with all the documents in pdf format through email : [email protected] on or before 3.6.2023.
- Candidates need to appear before Scrutiny Committee for document verification.
- The interview will be scheduled only for the candidates recommended by Scrutiny Committee.
Centre for Management Education, VAMNICOM, Pune invites applications
for the post of ACADEMIC ASSOCIATES on contract and purely temporary
and appointable through institute authorised agency
VAMNICOM is the National level Cooperative Management Institute financed by
Ministry of Cooperation, Govt. of India, and ranked as one among the Top BSchools in Agri-Business Management offers Management Education programmes
for the in-service and fresh graduates. Its Centre for Management Education (CME)
invites applications for the Academic Associate positions for its Post Graduate
Diploma in Management – Agri-Business Management (AICTE approved, NBA
accredited* and equivalent to MBA degree granted by AIU ).
Academic Associate shall provide assistance and support to Faculty members of
PGDM in teaching and course material development/cases preparation etc. The
Institute provides an opportunity for Self Development in the field of Teaching and
Research to Academic Associates. Completion of Ph.D. in their tenure of
appointment is essential. Extension of service will be on satisfactory performance
of work and progress of Ph.D. course. The maximum period of service will be 3
Broad Subject-area wise requirement of Academic Associates:
Subject Area
Agri-Economics/Rural Development
Agri-Business/Supply Chain
Production (Food Processing & Food Technology)
Finance (Banking, Financial Inclusion, Risk Management,
Computer Science /Technology
Public Policy
Business Communication
Essential Qualifications – Academic Associate:
i. Graduation with minimum 55% marks / B+ Grade (Full time Regular course)
ii. Post Graduate with minimum 55% marks / B+ in Management (with
specialization in Finance / Marketing/ System (Full time Regular course)
P.G. in Economics / Commerce / Statistics / Agriculture / Food Processing /
Computer Engineering/Communication/Public Policy/ Management (Full time
Regular course)
Essentials : interested to pursue Ph.D.
Emoluments: Rs. 25,000/- per month (consolidated)
Age: less than 30 years
Tenure: The appointment is for a period of one year through institute certified
agency. The appointment can be extended for a further period of three years, if the
performance is satisfactory & adequate progress in Ph.D. course work and there is
requirement. No T.A./D.A. is admissible for appearing at the interview.
For the detailed terms and conditions and duties refer Policy for Academic Associates
at VAMNICOM placed on our website: www.vamnicom.gov.in The application should
be addressed to “The Director, Vaikunth Mehta National Institute of Cooperative Management, University Road, Pune 411 007.
Policy for Academic Associate at VAMNICOM
The following guidelines will govern the academic associateship at Centre for
Management Education, VAMNICOM:
Tasks: Academic Associates will participate in a mix of academic and selfdevelopment tasks during their stay in the Institute. They shall provide
assistance and support to faculty members in teaching and evaluation,
development of courses and teaching material, research projects etc and shall
undertake the material development and research work independently or
jointly with faculty members.
Academic Associates need to provide Academic Inputs by attending classes,
taking class attendance and evaluating the internal Assessment (Quiz,
Assignment, Test, Class participation etc) Mid term + End term examinations.
For all of these academic associates need to be in constant touch with the
concerned faculty appraise him/her and the decision of the subject teacher in
the evaluation aspect will be the final
Training and Self Development:
Academic Associates will be encouraged to do Ph.D. during their duty with the
Institute. Registration for Ph.D. may be one of the conditions for extension of
appointment for further period.
Subject to the availability of funds the Institute will support the research work
and publication of articles, books, monographs etc written by Academic
Attending to 1 or 2 courses of PGDM/DCBM or training programmes at
VAMNICOM will be encouraged as part of Self Development.
Duration: Academic Associates will be recruited initially for duration of one
year, subject to a review of their performance in terms of tasks and selfdevelopment activities performed. The review will be made every year. The
duration of the academic associateship may be further extended for a
maximum period of three year subject to satisfactory academic achievements
(Ph.D.) and performance and requirement.
Terms and Conditions:
- Contractual amount of Rs. 25,000/- per month (consolidated)
- No provident fund/gratuity benefits and other perquisites will be made
available. - He/She will not be allowed to accept any outside assignment.
- The contract can be terminated with one month’s notice from either side
without assigning any reason thereof and even during the period of
contractual tenure. - These appointments are of purely temporary nature and in no condition
the candidate will be able to ask for permanent recruitment or benefits
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