The National Cooperative Union of India, (NCUI) – Apex organization cooperative representing the Indian
Cooperative Movement, invites applications from the eligible candidates for the following posts on
Name/No. of post and scale of pay as per 7th CPC | Educational Qualification | Essential Experience | Age |
Director (01) Level 12 (78800-209200) | Essential: Regular PG Degree in Economics/ Cooperation / Commerce / Agricultural / Mass Communication / Journalism / Public Relation / Social Work / Education / Rural Development / Statistics / Business Administration (HR / Finance / Marketing) / Agriculture Business / Home Science / CA / ICWA/ Bachelor Degree with Law (Cooperative Law) from UGC recognised University with 55% minimum marks. Desirable: Diploma in Cooperative Management (HDCM)/ Diploma in Cooperative Business Management (DCBM) Ph.D (in core subject ) (For those candidates who have worked for more than 10 years in NCUI and / or its Council for training and its Cooperative Education Field Projects, PG Degree in any discipline shall be sufficient qualification) | 10 yrs. Experience in concerned profession / Training / Research / Teaching / Administration / Management / Extension/ Project Management / HRM / Finance / Publication in senior managerial position in organization(s) of repute. Out of this at least 5 years should be in the grade of PB-3 Rs. 15600-39100 + Grade Pay of Rs.6600. Skill of computer application. | 50 years |
Assistant Director (04) Level 9 (53100-167800) | Essential: Regular PG Degree in Economics / Cooperation / Commerce / Agricultural / Mass Communication / Journalism / Public Relation / Social Work / Education / Rural Development / Statistics / Business Administration (HR / Finance / Marketing) / Agriculture Business / Home Science / CA/ ICWA / Bachelor Degree with Law (preferably Cooperative Law) from UGC recognised University with 55% minimum marks. (For those candidates who have worked for more than 10 years in NCUI and / or its Council for training and its Cooperative Education Field Projects, PG Degree in any discipline shall be sufficient qualification) Desirable: Diploma in Cooperative Management (HDCM)/ Diploma in Cooperative Business Management (DCBM) Ph.D (in core subject ) | Minimum 1 year experience in concerned profession / Training / Research / Teaching / Administration / Management / Extension / Project Management / HRM / Finance / Publication / Publicity / Law in reputed organization. | 35 years |
Assistant (04) Level 6 (35400-112400) | Educational Qualification: Graduate Degree in any subject from recognized University / Institute. Desirable: Diploma / Certificate course in computer application from a recognized University / Institute with Tally Certificate along with MS Office automation. | Minimum 5 years of continuous service in UDC grade or equivalent in PB- 2 Rs. 5200-20200+ GP 2400 or equivalent from reputed organization / cooperatives / private / public / autonomous body / institution / University of repute | 35 Years |
Lower Division Clerk (02) Level 2 (19900-63200) | Educational Qualification: (i) Graduate from a recognized University. (ii) Minimum 6 months Certificate Course in Computer training from recognized institute. Desirable: Preference will be given to: (i) Skill of Bilingual Typing (Hindi & English). (ii) Degree in Commerce with knowledge and skill of Tally Operation. (iii) Certificate / Degree in Library Science. (iv) Knowledge and skill in Photography/ film/ video camera/ audio visual equipment handling experience. (v) Skill of Stenography. (vi) Certificate of translation of Hindi to English and vice-versa | Essential Technical Qualification: English typing speed of 35 W.P.M. or Hindi with a minimum speed of 30 W.P.M. on computer (35 W.P.M. and 30 W.P.M. correspond to 12000 KDPH/ 9000 KDPH on an average of 5 key depression for each word. | 25 Years |
Electrician (01) Level 1 (18000-56900) | Essential ITI Certificate in Electrical Trade with 5 years experience in Electrical work. Desirable Skill of computer application | 5 years experience in Electrical work | 30 Years |
- Only Indian nationals are eligible to apply.
- A non-refundable application fee of Rs.885/- per candidate per post (inclusive of 18% GST) will be
charged and the payment is to be made using SBI Collect facility. - NCUI will not undertake detailed scrutiny at the time of receipt of application forms of candidates
for eligibility and other aspects of shortlisting and, therefore, the candidature is only provisional.
Before applying, candidates are advised to go through the requirements of essential qualification,
age etc. and satisfy themselves that they are eligible for the post. When scrutiny is undertaken, if
any claim made in the application form is not found true/ substantiated, the candidature of such
candidates will be cancelled and decision of NCUI shall be final. - Candidates are advised to go through the advertisement carefully and ascertain their eligibility
before submitting their applications. Candidates have to ascertain themselves their eligibility
vis-à-vis advertised criteria for a post for which they are applying. - No modifications are allowed after candidate submits his / her application form. If any
discrepancies are found in the data/particulars furnished by the candidates in his/her application
form and that of the original testimonies, the candidature of such candidates is liable to be
rejected. Hence, utmost care should be taken to furnish correct details while filling their
application forms. - Details once submitted in the application form will be final and request for any change including
change in correspondence address / email address / mobile number / category shall not be
entertained. - Candidates should possess a valid email ID as the same is mandatorily required to be filled in the
application form. Candidates are also advised to regularly check email (including spam folder) and
keep the email ID active for at least for six months from the cut-off date. No change in the email ID
will be allowed once submitted. All information/communication in regards to participating in the
selection process shall be provided through email to the candidates, found prima-facie eligible,
based on the information submitted by them in their application form. Responsibilities of receiving
and downloading of information / communications, etc. will be of the candidate. NCUI will not be
responsible for any loss of email sent, due to invalid / wrong email ID provided by the candidate
and no correspondence in this regard shall be entertained. - The candidature of all applicants would be provisional and subject to subsequent verification of
Degree certificates / testimonials / PwBD / ExSM etc. Candidates, if shortlisted for personal
interview, are required to bring all certificates in original alongwith one set of self-attested
photocopies at the time of interview, failing which they may not be allowed to attend the
interview. - Applications which do not meet all criteria given in this circular & incomplete application will be
summarily rejected.
- Candidates should not furnish any particulars that are false, tampered, fabricated or suppress any
information while applying and submitting the self-certified copies / testimonials. - If, at any stage of the recruitment process or subsequently, it is found, that the applicant
a) has provided wrong or incomplete information or submitted false documents or
b) has suppressed relevant information
c) does not meet the eligibility criteria for this recruitment or
d) has resorted to unfair means during selection process or
e) is found guilty of impersonation.
Application of such candidate will be cancelled / rejected forthwith and the applicant will liable
to be disqualified, prosecuted and debarred for all future appointments in NCUI. Further, if
recruited, services of such candidate are liable to be terminated at any time. - The number of vacancies is tentative and may increase or decrease and that will be at the
discretion of NCUI. Accordingly, NCUI reserves the right to cancel / restrict / enlarge / modify /
alter the requirements advertised, if need so arises, without any further notice or assigning any
reason therefor. NCUI also reserves the right to raise / relax the minimum eligibility standards and
to fill / not to fill all or any of the above positions. In addition to the notified vacancies a panel of
candidates shall also be created for unforeseen vacancies, including but not limited to vacancies
caused by cessation of service of selected candidates, arising within one year from date of
empanelment. - The crucial date for determining eligibility in regards to age, qualifications and experience will be
31.12.2024. - Relaxation in terms of educational qualification and age may be considered in deserving cases.
- Merely fulfilling the eligibility criteria may not entitle the candidate to be called for written test /
personal interaction. Only short-listed candidates will be called for written test, skill test and
personal interaction. - Applications should be filled and submitted online only in the prescribed format available on
NCUI’s website. - Applications received after last date will not be accepted under any circumstances
- Though utmost care has been taken while preparing the vacancy circular / advertisement. In case
of any ambiguity / dispute on account of interpretation in versions other than English Language
advertised in Newspaper / Website, interpretation as per English version displayed on NCUI’s
website shall prevail. - Incomplete online Applications shall be summarily rejected.
- Final selection will be strictly made on the basis of the performance in the test and personal
interaction. - No claim of possession of equivalent educational qualification(s) to the advertised educational
qualification for a post would be entertained and decision of NCUI in this regard would be final
and binding.
- Canvassing in any form will be treated as disqualification and will be seriously viewed.
- The written test will be held in Delhi (NCR) only and no claim for change of exam centre will be
entertained. - No TA/ DA in connection with the submission of application form or appearing in the written test /
skill test / personal interaction will be paid to the candidate. - No documents will be accepted or considered after submission of application form by the
candidate and no subsequent request for its change will be considered or granted. - All correspondence with candidates shall be done only on their registered e-mail ID provided by
candidate. All information regarding examination schedule/admit card etc. shall be provided
through email and / or by uploading on NCUI’s website. - NCUI will not be responsible for any loss of email sent, due to invalid/wrong email ID provided by
the candidate or for delay / non receipt of information if a candidate fails to access his / her
mail/NCUI’s website in time. - It may be noted that candidates will be called for written test provisionally on the basis of
information submitted by them in the application Form and their candidature will be considered
vis-à-vis eligibility criteria for the post applied for as mentioned in the Advertisement / Vacancy
Circular. Candidates not meeting the eligibility criteria or not in possession of complete requisite
documents will not be allowed to attend the personal interaction and no TA will be paid to them.
Further, no queries shall be entertained in this regard. - The decision of NCUI’s Management in all matters relating to eligibility, acceptance or rejection of
application / candidature, penalty for false information, mode of selection and posting of selected
candidates will be final and binding on the candidates and no enquiry / correspondence will be
entertained in this regard. - NCUI reserves the right:
a. To conduct test and personal interaction for such posts and to constitute a
Screening-Cum-Selection Committee to fix the criteria for short listing the applications and
fix the criteria for test and personal interaction.
b. To relax any of eligibility conditions in deserving cases.
c. To increase / decrease the number of vacancies. - In case of any difference in question paper (Translated version), the question in English Version
will be final and will be evaluated accordingly. No claim / request for consideration of the
translated version will be entertained. - The last date of submission of application is 05.01.2025.