Applications are invited only through online mode up to 09.03.2023 for direct recruitment on temporary basis to the post of Ophthalmic Assistant in Tamil Nadu Medical subordinate Service
Name of the post : Ophthalmic Assistant
No. of vacancies: 93
Date of Notification 17.02.2023
Last date for submission of Application (Online Registration & Online payment) : 09.03.2023
Scale of pay of Rs.35,400 – 1,12,400 (Pay Matrix Level-11)
AGE (as on 01.07.2023):
For all categories : SC / ST / SCA / BC / BCM / MBC&DNC : 18-No Maximum Age Limit
OC : 18-32 Years
No Maximum age limit shall mean that the applicants should not have completed 60 years of age on the date of Notification (OR) at the time of selection / appointment to the post.
i. Passed the two year Ophthalmic Assistant course
conducted, by a Government Medical College or any other
institution recognized by the Directorate of Medical
Education; or
ii. Two year diploma in Optometry conducted by a Government
Medical College or any other institution recognized by the
Directorate of Medical Education and passed the three
month condensed Para Medical Ophthalmic Assistant course
conducted by the Regional Institute of Ophthalmology,
Chennai or any other institution recognized by the
Directorate of Medical Education.
Selection will be made based on the marks scored by the candidates in their
academic and technical qualification(s) for the post of Ophthalmic Assistant
duly following the rules of reservation and communal rotation issued by the
Government of Tamil Nadu and satisfaction of the qualification and other
conditions stipulated in this Notification. There will be no oral test (Interview) for
the post
Weightage of marks
10th -20%
Ophthalmic Assistant Course
(OR) Diploma in Optometry and
passed the three month
condensed Para Medical
Ophthalmic Assistant course – 50%
SC / SCA / ST / DAP(PH) / DW Rs.300/-
Others Rs.600/-
TN MRB Ophthalmic Assistant Notification 2023 Click here