Dated 3th February 2023
Tamil Nadu Electricity Regulatory Commission (TNERC) is a statutory body constituted
by the Government of Tamil Nadu in accordance with the Electricity Act, 2003 and is located at
Chennai. lt is vested with powers to determine the electricity tariff, regulate electricity purchase
and procurement process, issuing licences, facilitate intra-state transmission and Wheeling,
promote cogeneration, specify State Grid Code, specify or enforce standards of performance
and adjudicate upon disputes. The Commission shall be guided by the National Electricity
Policy, National Electricity Plan and Tariff Policy published under section 3(2) of the Electricity
Act, 2003.
The Commission desires to fill up one post of Director (Engineering) in the cadre of
Superintending Engineer and above on Deputation basis or on Contract basis. The
concurrence of the Government to fill up the post on Deputation Basis or on Contract basis has
been sent for approval. The qualification, experience, age and scale of pay are given below.
Degree in Electrical Engineering
20 years of engineering experience out of which, at least 7 years at
Management level in large Power utility with generation. transmission
and Distribution facilities
Hands-on experience in setting up power projects and critically reviewing
their standards of performance. Good knowledge of electricity laws and
exposure to electricity regulatory reforms.
As per the Last Pay Certificate plus applicable allowances for the post
Contract Basis
Degree in Electrical Engineering
20 years of engineering experience out of which. at least 7 years at
Management level in large Power utility with generation, transmission and
Distribution facilities
Hands-on experience in setting up power projects and critically reviewing
their standards of performance. Good knowledge of electricity laws and
exposure to electricity regulatory reforms
Last pay drawn minus pension as per Tamil Nadu Pension Rules, 1978 plus
Dearness Allowance.
Completed 58 years with a maximum age limit of 62 years and shall cease to
hold the post after he / she attains the age of 65 years
Those who are working in Government / Pubic Sector Undertakings / Corporations /
Boards / State electricity utilities and desire to come on deputation shall be covered under
foreign service terms and conditions of deputation of the Government of Tamil Nadu. Such
candidates should apply through proper channel with a “No Objection Certificate” from their
employer or should produce the same at the time of interview.
Mere fulfilling of eligibility criteria shall not bestow any right to be called for interview.
Only short-listed candidates shall be called for an interview. TNERC reserves the right to keep
this post unfilled depending upon the circumstances prevailing at the time of selection. The
Commission shall have full discretion to fill up the post either on deputation basis or on contract
basis. The Commission’s decision in this regard shall be final.
Eligible candidates should apply to “The Secretary, Tamil Nadu Electricity Regulatory
Commission, 4th Floor, SIDCO Corporate Office Building, Thiru.vi.ka. lndustrial Estate,
Guindy, Chennai 600 032″ giving brief description of qualification, experience, position held,
age, salary drawn at the time of retirement, pension payment order, copies of previous
confidential reports, commendations received etc. The applications shall be accompanied with
the following undertaking.
Last date for receipt of applications is 28-02-2023
TNERC Recruitment 2023 Click here